Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

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Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

Post by thisiswater »

As some of you know, I'm growing increasingly nervous about a spinal tap I'll be having a week from Friday. I have had many cortisone injections into my back for a herniated disk. Could someone who has experienced both talk about the similarities and differences? I am not needle phobic, but I am concerned about possible after effects of the ST/LP. I have never had a problem with regular injections, though.

I don't know how people get through the waiting piece of dx. I'm not faring very well.
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Re: Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

Post by kw202 »

I haven't had both, so I can't really be useful to you in that context - but really, chances are high that your LP will be all right, and you'll be back here posting how it wasn't so bad.

If you can, try to talk to the radiology nurse where your procedure will be done, and ask if they use the sprotte needle. The radiology nurse that supervised mine told me that in their practice, when they are able to use the sprotte needle (they can't for everyone, it depends on your body particulars - but they can for the majority of people), in their practice something like only 18% of people get the spinal headache. And honestly, the post-headache really is the worst part of it, potentially.

I can't promise you'll have exactly the same experience, but I can tell you that the thing that hurt worst for me was the lidocaine shot. They'll give you one before they ever put the spinal needle in. And that wasn't even that painful - I have had more painful lidocaine shots, for stitches, and even for dental work frankly. On the standard pain scale I'd put it at maybe a 3-4. Once that was done I didn't feel anything when they put the spinal needle in, other than pressure.

They'll move the needle around sometimes to make sure the fluid is coming out, and that sometimes made me feel nerve zaps in my butt or leg. But it was very fleeting, and I wouldn't call it painful, it was more surprising. It actually made me laugh a few times because it was such a strange and sudden sensation.

Now I don't mean to minimize the whole of the procedure, it's nothing I'd ever choose to spend my time doing. But in terms of how it really was vs. how fearful I was leading up to it, I ended up worrying myself a lot for no reason.

Really. You'll be OK.

The waiting really is the worst part. But remember that, pre-dx, post-dx, you're still the same person. It's just a confirmation so you can move forward. I dealt with it in much the same way you are, I took control of the things I could take control of - and that means beginning supplementation, and changing my diet.
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Re: Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

Post by thisiswater »

Thank you so much kw202! Between your post and my conversation with Radiology I'm more relaxed now. They do the procedure under fluoroscope, I'm not needle phobic and have had lots of lidocaine shots; they don't bother me. When I talk to the nurse this Thursday (the day before my procedure) I'll ask her about the sprotte needle and about sedation. A little helping of Xanax can't hurt!
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Re: Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

Post by simplyjef »

I have had both injection's I would rate them about the same!
drink plenty water for days after as for their directions. I made the mistake of not drinking enough and had pains at the back of my neck!
As far as the waiting and anxiety {I no longer have lift in either leg but i do great) the not knowing what was causing all the problems for me was the hardest!! Hang in there Knowlage is key! Best Wishes
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Re: Spinal Tap Compared to Cortisone Injection in Spine?

Post by kw202 »

Probably they wouldn't mind if you took some kind of light sedative. I had to have someone with me to bring me home after the procedure even without any sedation, and that's usually their request for with a sedative. I didn't have any particular involvement with the LP other than lying there and jabbering nonsense to the doctor and nurse so it's not like I had to be particularly alert.

Keep us posted.

In the meantime, here is some research about the effectiveness of the sprotte vs more traumatic needles:

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