of iron and MS

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Re: of iron and MS

Post by lyndacarol »

Health7 wrote:Found to (probably) be allergic to seashell foods. Trying switching to beef liver.
I just can't bring myself to eat liver. I haven't tried liver capsules yet, but maybe this is the answer:

From the book, The Wahls Protocol by Terry Wahls, M.D.

Page 386:
Organ meat capsules
Dr. Ron's Ultra-Pure

If you can't get used to eating organ meat, you could consider capsules of dried organ meat. He also has a number of vitamin and other supplements.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by ElliotB »

"I just can't bring myself to eat liver"

This is understandable. But there are a couple of easy/healthy alternatives.

First, there is a ground meat product I order from the company I order my grass fed meats from. It is a mix of ground meat and ground organ meats. It is the texture of ground beef and has a nice flavor, especially when combined with shredded cheese (made from milk from grass fed cows, of course!). From their website: "Ingredients: 40% lean beef trimmings, 20% Beef Heart, 20% Beef Liver, 10% Beef Spleen, and 10% Beef Kidney. U.S. raised grass-fed beef."

Another alternative is to cook with cast iron cookware, which is not only a pleasure to cook with but offers better flavor, more even cooking and potential health benefits from the iron content.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by Health7 »

I used to do liver pate, BUT beef liver tastes horrible. Chicken is nice and mild.

Right now am on iron pills, which seems working, all praise to God. Ferritin has raised from 7 up to 30. Head is definitely more clear, but still having quite many health issues.

I am thinking if hypovolemic shock 5 months prior to major attack could be the main trigger... Had really bad miscarriage, very heavy bleeding.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by Health7 »

Jimmylegs, would you comment, please, when free? :smile: Thanks!
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by jimmylegs »

hi :) uh oh, that magnesium number was quite low! good that you're working on it. even just using sea salt rather than table salt for seasoning will make a small contribution.
for ca:mg intake ratio (dietary + supplemental) i would suggest you try for 1:1.
personally haven't tried any calcium pills lately; for ages now i have been off them. i had been noticing pain in my back, which i took to be kidney pain, when i did take supplemental calcium.

glad to hear iron status is on the up and up. hopefully you are on top of combining vit C foods with iron foods to improve absorption/retention. recall: bell peppers and broccoli kick oranges' butt when it comes to vit C http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tnam ... #foodchart

i note we already had the shellfish conversation so if moving on to liver, i confess i am not an outright fan but am quite happy to eat something with an organ meat ingedient, such as steak and kidney pie (as long as the kidney bits are cut small). kidney is roughly equal to liver in terms of iron content.
liver http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/bee ... cts/3470/2
kidney http://nutritiondata.self.com/facts/bee ... cts/3467/2

also, at the farm where i go for eggs, meat, poultry etc they make a variety of sausages, one of which is called 'hunter's' - this one uses the organ meats as an ingredient. they are tasty and chock full of livery goodness without sharing plain old liver's icky texture. (right now, however, i am working my way through a 4-pack of 'toulouse' which has red wine and bacon in it. you win some you lose some ;) i made 5-veg cream of spinach soup too so still polishing my halo for that one)

i second elliot's thought re cast iron cookware. an absolute standard in my kitchen; i prepare food in it more often than not.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by Health7 »

Yes, using Himalayan and black salt only in our diet.
OK, I'll try to use cast iron pan more often.

Am gonna look for good Ca supplements. Also planning to add Chia seeds to my diet.

Thank you again :>)
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Re: of iron and MS


Recently had MRI done without&with Contrast results after Addendum were:

T2 Hypointensity in Caudate/Putamen Iron Deposits
My Primary thinks its Early MS due to my symtoms which have gotten worse the last couple years.

Had Blood work came back negative for Syphllis & Hiv he did not test for Lyme disease
I have Hashimotos , Neuropathy (Not Diabetic) Tremors,Obstructive Sleep Apnea,Excessive Day Time Sleepiness all Diagnose
Excessive Yawning they have no idea due to my Compliance is 90% on Cpap an
My TSH is 0.12 I'm Hyper again, T4 & T3 Normal B 12 normal also Pulmunary Doctor tried Modafinil tried for 2 days Doctor told me to stop taking due to it triggered the Yawning,EDS & Fell Asleep

I have appt in early Sept with my Neurologist who diagnosed the Neuropathy & Tremors have to take MRI & Addendum Report to get her opinion.

Symtoms are :
Numbing hands feet it seems to alternate sometimes just hands or 1 foot&hands,right knee, head gets weird sensation feels like I still have Cpap headset on hours after I've taken it off and also slight numb feeling,Dropping stuff constant its worse, knees ache, right leg gave out 3 time in a week ,Can't Swallow own spit now this is pretty scary.
Still waiting to find out what the heck is wrong because its not my THYROID been dealing with that for 16 years also have Osteroporosis due to being on high doses of Thyroid Meds which Doctors keep uping & Lowering they fail to mention this is cause by this!!
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by zen2010 »

Hi Jimmylegs,

As I feel tiredness is increasing + my next blood test is on next February --> I will start taking iron supplement: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Solgar-Gentle- ... 25mg&psc=1

-Can you pls advise what should be right quantity to be taken (then I will adjust or stop after my blood test results)
-I saw in this thread that I should consider taking B-Multi Vit with the iron. Any other thing I should care about?

Thks a lot.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by jimmylegs »

hi z :) i am afraid i would have to look up the iron question. it's been so long that i don't know off the top of my head. maybe 30mg? 40mg? daily.

what i can say is that i am currently on my second jar of a three a day active multi which is not my favourite, but it's one i used in the past and i chose it because it has iron. (not sure how much per day though - and it doesnt have copper but that's another story).
my 'favourite' three a day multi has no iron and i had started to feel it, even though i cook in cast iron all the time, etc. the switch to the multi with iron did the trick.

i am not sure where exactly you read about combining b complex with iron. yes b complex should be good for energy, but as far as i know the go-to for helping with iron would be vitamin c. and strangely enough, you do need some zinc in your system - even though it's a challenge to do zinc and iron well in supplement form!
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by zen2010 »

Thks JL,

Zinc is not an issue (I am taking per day 44 mg Zinc picolinate +2.5 mg chelated copper)

I will receive this Friday the "gentle iron" mentionned in my previous post + liposoluble C Vit.

Then I will mix all of that for 2 months and see if any improvement.
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Re: of iron and MS

Post by jimmylegs »

ok as mentioned, zinc and iron supplemented together needs to be done with caution.

zn and fe play together nicely in food. to some extent, even in foods fortified with zinc and iron.

in supplement forms, they do interfere with each other. make sure you put the iron in at a completely different time of day from the zinc. time healthy high vit c foods like bell pepper, strawberry, broccoli and brussels sprouts close to the iron.

here's hoping iron is actually the guilty party when it comes to your tiredness level! it's too bad bloodwork won't be happening until february, but at least that's not too too far away.
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