Forgive me if this is in the wrong location

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Forgive me if this is in the wrong location

Post by JasonV »

I always find it hard to talk about things with strangers and I sometimes tend to ramble so I apologize in advance in cause I do.

I sometimes wonder why things happen and I don't like thinking why me but sometimes I cannot help it, like today I am reminded of when I first found out I had MS and a few months later I find out my long term Girlfriend started cheating on me with someone else which sent almost sent me down a path of depression and now I see her with the guy she was cheating on me with.

Took one look at me and laughed and telling me it was all in my head and I was just trying to gain pitty and wasn't a real man.
I still sometimes find it hard to even drag myself out of bed and catch myself going around and around in my head what I could have done differently or what did I do for her to fall out of love with me and so on.

It had gotten worse since last month when I turned 35 last month and realized I had been with one woman whom I fell for and was truly my first love and been with her for 10 years.

I am sorry.. this sounds like I am complaining but it has been weighing me down and if this is the wrong place I apologize.
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Re: Forgive me if this is in the wrong location

Post by NHE »

Welcome to ThisIsMS. Sometimes the early symptoms of MS can be difficult for others to see. Hence, the proverbial "but you look so good." Anyways, it sounds like your ex is being antagonistic now perhaps as a means of self-defense. She has clearly moved on. That's good for you. Now you're able to find someone better who does not act out in such a mean spirited way.
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