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Post by Zyklon »

Hello ThisIsMS,

Sorry for my English, not my mother tongue. I am a 33 years old man from Turkey.

Disclaimer: This is just my long story. Always consult medical professionals and I am not one.

wooooow what a flu that even makes my feet weird!!!

2.5 months ago I had some flu. Some numbness and paper-cut like feelings started in my feet. My doctor said my lungs and throat were OK but I had neurological symptoms. After one day I lost almost all the power and knee movement in my left leg. When I visited my neurologist he said it was an emergency and wanted urgent MRI scans. I was very very scared because I did not know what was going on. After MRI, my neurologist said I had severe inflammation and demyelinating lesions in my brain and spinal cord. He asked for a VEP test and results was not good. Bowel and bladder problems started in hours. He said I experienced a clinically isolated syndrome.

Bye bye unknowns!!!

I had some mentally very very very hard days. Panic attacks, sudden emotional explosions, sleeping problems, everything you can imagine. I had lots of unknowns and that made me feel very bad. I needed something to recover, some reason to fight, some light. Surprisingly it was the God for me. I was not a strong believer before. With the light I had the power to start learning. I spent hours with my laptop and unknowns started to decrease. I discovered extremely good informative websites including ThisIsMS, many thanks. Learned more, more and more.

Let's take my body back!!!

For 33 years I did everything to destroy my body. Office job, no sports, extremely bad eating habits, smoking, alcohol, insomnia. I decided to change everything...

40+ blood and urine tests. Lots of out of limit things. Guess my D3 level? It was 14. Another visit to my neurologist and he said I might be an MS patient. 1 gram of IV steroids and calcium for 7 days and pills for later. He said heat was the only thing that I must avoid. He was a good conservative doctor and said no real evidence for the things (D3 for example) that I learned from internet.

I decided to hear some other opinions and found another good neurologist. Almost same opinions but more supportive with my thoughts. My supplement and diet era was started. 1000 IU D3 first. After first capsule I felt better. Placebo or not I did not care. I increased my D3 intake everyday to 8000 IU. B Complex and B12 later.

Diet was a massive change for me. My poor body had enough with junk food and midnight calories. 350 cholesterol, out of level nutrients. I said bye bye to industrial everything, junk food, sugar, salt, sweeteners, alcohol, bad oils. I welcomed vegetables, fruits, fiber, fish, water, less and frequent eating. I managed to lose weight even when taking 1 gram of steroids. Feeling much better. I discovered some magical foods. Blueberries is excellent for headaches and reducing symptoms. 3-4 grams of %99 cacao dark chocolate is my new dessert after meals. Green tea is the "bad drink" replacement for me. 3-4 liters water everyday makes me happy. I learned what is "Anti-inflammatory foods"

To feel mentally better and have good sleep I went to a psychiatrist. I expected to use some anti-depressants but he just prescribed me sleeping help medicine. It was a very good experience. I should go to him at the first day.

Mountains to climb and new toys

My legs were weak. I could walk after 7 days steroids but flexibility and knee control was very bad. Getting down stairs was almost impossible. I started to push my limits to fight muscle weakness. Walk more, try 1-2 steps on stairs, more everyday. It was more like a fight. After a few days I got better. I decided to get checked by a physiotherapist. He said I did not need anything special and recommended swimming, stretching, walking. "No pain no gain" worked for me.

My neurologist recommended me to start a 3 times a week DMD. I accepted it with little hope. Internet is a bad place for side effects stories. A good nurse gave me an introduction about the DMD. First injection was not easy with lots of fear. The needle, side effects blabla. A count to 3 and I did it. It was not bad at all with %20 dose. I drunk lots of water to avoid side effects. Ibuprofen 1 hour before and 2 hours after as the nurse suggested. No side effects and almost no core temperature increase. After 3rd injection I only took ibuprofen before injection and later no ibuprofen at all with monitoring my core temperature. %50 dose was the same story. I will start %100 in a few days and let's see what will happen.

New MRI, new blood tests

1 week ago I had a new MRI test. My neurologist checked it and said I did good. Non-active lesions, reduced inflammation, one very small new lesion. He asked for another MRI test 3 months later. It was a good short meeting.

New blood tests were 18/20 in the limits. Cholesterol was still high but much better and ALT was very sightly off the limit because of DMD. More tests including D3 coming this week.

And now?

Slight numbness in feet that I don't care and some on and offs with symptoms. I know stabilization may take some time and there may be some permanent damage. Still not on %100 DMD dose.

Now the good things. I walk 10000+ steps everyday, run, swim. My body weight is now 71 kilograms (it was 79 before CIS) and I look much much better. No more bowel and bladder problems. I am mentally much better now. In short my life is changed in a very good way.


Increasing D3, B12 and vitamin nutrient levels, lowering cholesterol, doing some weight training with an in-ear core temperature monitor, increasing my heat tolerance and learn more more.


I know MS can be cruel and next time it may be a bad story for me. I am glad with these good days. I will do everything I can to have a good life. I accept only one unknown for me: Luck
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Re: Hello

Post by lyndacarol »

Zyklon wrote:Sorry for my English, not my mother tongue. I am a 33 years old man from Turkey.
40+ blood and urine tests. Lots of out of limit things. Guess my D3 level? It was 14. Another visit to my neurologist and he said I might be an MS patient. 1 gram of IV steroids and calcium for 7 days and pills for later. He said heat was the only thing that I must avoid. He was a good conservative doctor and said no real evidence for the things (D3 for example) that I learned from internet.

I decided to hear some other opinions and found another good neurologist. Almost same opinions but more supportive with my thoughts. My supplement and diet era was started. 1000 IU D3 first. After first capsule I felt better. Placebo or not I did not care. I increased my D3 intake everyday to 8000 IU. B Complex and B12 later.

Increasing D3, B12 and vitamin nutrient levels,
Welcome to ThisIsMS, Zyklon. There is no need to apologize for your English. It is excellent!

At 14, your vitamin D level was dangerously deficient. Vitamin D deficiency can result in ANY kind of symptoms. Please share the results of your vitamin D test, which will be done this coming week. Since everyone absorbs vitamin D differently, testing is the only way to know if your dose of 8000 IU per day is adequate to raise your level to an adequate amount.

The California-based group, GrassrootsHealth (http://www.GrassrootsHealth.net), recommends that the vitamin D level should be at least 40-60 ng/mL.

Here is their chart showing intake level necessary for the desired change in serum level:
http://grassrootshealth.net/media/image ... single.pdf

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Re: Hello

Post by NHE »

Zyklon wrote:Plans?

Increasing D3, B12 and vitamin nutrient levels, lowering cholesterol, doing some weight training with an in-ear core temperature monitor, increasing my heat tolerance and learn more more.
You may want to look into taking a good magnesium supplement with your vitamin D3. Magnesium is used in nearly every step in processing D3 and high doses of D3 can cause magnesium deficiency over time. A good form to take is magnesium glycinate or magnesium citrate. Just be careful with the magnesium oxide form, it's not absorbed well and can act as a laxative.
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

Thanks for the replies. I will have another test on friday. Better sleep, better memory, better focusing, better energy. Lets see if the results confirm my feelings.

20 days ago test results:

Folic Acid: 3,9 ng/mL (Started supplement)
B12: 286 pg/mL (Started supplement)
Magnesium: 2,24 mg/dL (Everyday I eat 10-15 grams of %99 cacao dark chocolate and very curious about this)
Potassium: 3,7 mmol/L (Increased intake with foods, blueberries, avacados, bananas, vegetables)
Calcium: 9,7 md/dL (Within limits but high. I stopped drinking lots of milk (staying away from dairy) after this, only calcium tablet)
25 OH: 14,2 ng/mL (Supplements and plenty of sunshine. Thinking about getting a megadose before test)
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Re: Hello

Post by lyndacarol »

Zyklon wrote:20 days ago test results:

Folic Acid: 3,9 ng/mL (Started supplement)
B12: 286 pg/mL (Started supplement)
Magnesium: 2,24 mg/dL (Everyday I eat 10-15 grams of %99 cacao dark chocolate and very curious about this)
Potassium: 3,7 mmol/L (Increased intake with foods, blueberries, avacados, bananas, vegetables)
Calcium: 9,7 md/dL (Within limits but high. I stopped drinking lots of milk (staying away from dairy) after this, only calcium tablet)
25 OH: 14,2 ng/mL (Supplements and plenty of sunshine. Thinking about getting a megadose before test)
If possible, read the book, Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally M. Pacholok, RN, BSN, and Jeffrey J. Stuart, D.O.: http://b12awareness.org/could-it-be-b12 ... diagnoses/

On page 11: "There is much controversy as to what constitutes a normal result for this test [serum vitamin B12 test]. Because of this controversy, this test is often used in conjunction with other markers of B12 deficiency (MMA, Hcy, and more recently the HoloTc).

… We believe that the "normal" serum B12 threshold needs to be raised from 200 pg/mL to at least 450 pg/mL because deficiencies begin to appear in the cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) below 550 pg/mL.

At this time, we believe normal serum B12 levels should be greater than 550 pg/mL.…

We commonly see patients with clinical signs of B12 deficiency who are not being tested. Others who are being tested are not being treated because their serum B12 falls in the gray zone [between 200 pg/mL and 450 pg/mL]. This error results in delayed diagnosis and an increased incidence of injury."

Your B12 test results are in the gray zone and are significantly lower than those recommended by the authors. Many (if not most) B12 experts believe that the standard range for B12 is set too low.
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

Thanks for your informative post. Currently I am on 1050 mcg daily. I will adjust my supplement doses after new blood tests.

I have been experiencing a new thing in the last 3 days. In the mornings I can walk without any problems for kilometers. Late day my walking motion becomes not well synchronized and I feel weird. I am sure it is not heat or fatigue related. Maybe some kind of ataxia. It is like off in the mornings and sometimes on after 4 PM. Still taking 24 mg cortisol everyday after CIS. Another MRI test maybe?
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Re: Hello

Post by jimmylegs »

hi sounds like you had the wake up call and are taking it seriously. good for you!
Folic Acid: 3,9 ng/mL (Started supplement)
B12: 286 pg/mL (Started supplement)
Magnesium: 2,24 mg/dL (Everyday I eat 10-15 grams of %99 cacao dark chocolate and very curious about this)
Potassium: 3,7 mmol/L (Increased intake with foods, blueberries, avacados, bananas, vegetables)
Calcium: 9,7 md/dL (Within limits but high. I stopped drinking lots of milk (staying away from dairy) after this, only calcium tablet)
25 OH: 14,2 ng/mL (Supplements and plenty of sunshine. Thinking about getting a megadose before test)
great info :)

personally i aim for 500 pg/ml serum b12.

serum mg looks borderline. try for 2.3-2.7. question: how many grams of elemental magnesium are delivered via your daily 10-15g dark chocolate?

potassium looks to be on the low side; good idea to increase intake.
related recent post: http://www.thisisms.com/forum/post24725 ... um#p247252
suggestion: cross check that daily requirement against your intake from specific serving sizes of specific foods

re high calcium: why avoid food sources while taking a supplement? calcium rich foods deliver much more than a supplement alone, with less risk of harmful imbalance. check out these greens:
http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tnam ... #foodchart

re serum 25OH personally i'd avoid megadosing before a test. what is your motivation there? (i know why i used to supplement right before testing b12 - to fool myself that my day to day choices were fine. for me, was a stupid move i would never repeat)
re d3 you may know you can aim for 40 ng/ml. d3 from sunshine is made from cholesterol. what are your dietary sources of fat?

higher serum magnesium is one thing that should support improved synthesis of d3 from sunshine and absorption of sources obtained in diet. that said your serum mag level is not as bad as others i've seen in ppl with trouble increasing d3 levels. other important d3 cofactors can be readily obtained via a daily high quality multimineral, esp if you miss out on high throughput of healthy nutrient dense foods for a time.

question: re calcium and anything else, what is your daily supplementation routine at present, including vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, forms, doses per pill, pills per day, relative timing and so on?
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

Thanks for your reply jimmylegs.

1 week after CIS, I have started to eat %99 dark chocolate for lowering my bad cholesterol and replacing my bad dessert habit. I eat Lindt %99,1 small square of 2.5 grams, cut half and under my tongue after meals and snacks. So it is 10-12.5 grams daily. It just makes me happy.

http://www.chocolate.lindt.com/shop/exc ... cocoa-99-1

Says no magnesium but

http://naturalcalm.ca/is-dark-chocolate ... magnesium/

I try to avoid dairy as I read there may be some connection with MS. I eat lots of food with calcium. My motivation for the megadose is I don't want to see any low value in the results. So it is purely for feeling happy. I am not on a strict dosage monitoring at this time so I can cheat a little bit :)

Breakfast 08:30 AM (I don't do any cheat breakfasts, very strict)

65gr Oat
150ml %0.1 Fat Milk (Looking for non-dairy alternatives)
15gr Dried Blueberries
15gr Dried Gojiberries
50gr Banana (I do variations with other fruits)
50gr Avacado (I do variations with other fruits)
1 Tablespoon Organic Cold Pressed Flaxseed Oil
2.5gr %99 Cacao Chocolate
5x1000 IU Solgar D3 (1x10000 IU after tests)
24mg Cortisol Tablet (Weekly 8mg decrease)

10:30 AM Snack1

15gr Walnuts
10gr Blueberries
1 cup of filtered coffee mixed with some water
2.5gr %99 Cacao Chocolate
1000 mg Calcium, 880IU D3 water-soluble tablet (Maybe switching to Solgar Chelated Calcium Magnesium 1:1)

00:30-01:00 PM Lunch (Sometimes I cheat)

A) I prefer a Mediterranean diet. Salads with lots of greens and olive oil. When I cheat, I don't eat anything unhealthy. A good pasta or a pizza once a week maybe. I avoid anything that does inflammation and I am very strict about it since I recover from my CIS.

B) If dinner is vegetable heavy, I go for more protein such as low fat grilled beef. I don't quit animal based fats.

2.5gr %99 Cacao Chocolate
Solgar B Complex 50 (Thinking about 100)
Solgar B12 1000mcg Methylcobalamin (If I eat meat, I delay this 1.5-2 hours to avoid getting too much B12 at a time)

04:00 PM Snack2

A) 250-300ml Fresh Fruit Juice (not grapefruit)
B) 100ml Turkish Coffee without sugar
2.5gr %99 Cacao Chocolate
10gr Blueberries

05:30 PM

2 x IU Solgar D3 (I remember D3 can mess up sleeping, please correct me if I am wrong)

07:00 PM Dinner (Sometimes I cheat)

A) Solmon or other fatty fish (I avoid deep water fish for metals)
B) Meat if I don't eat at lunch
C) Spinach, broccoli or any other good vegetables
2.5gr %99 Cacao Chocolate

09:00 PM Snack3
1 Medium Sized Kiwi (Helps my sleeping)
1 Medium Sized Apple
Rebif 44 monday, wednesday, friday
1 liters of water before sleeping and 2-3 visits to restroom

00:00-00:30 AM Sleep

Minimum 3 liters of water daily
6000-10000 steps of walking daily (I use my mobile phone for tracking)
Minimum 20-30 minutes of sunshine daily
Avoid inflammatory food
Avoid salt
Avoid additional sugar
Avoid industrial
No alcohol
No tobacco

I will consult a professional after new tests. So far my diet is working for me. Boring? Maybe but it makes me absolutely happy. All opinions welcome ;)
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Re: Hello

Post by jimmylegs »

yay more great info :)

i buy lindt dark chocolate for a treat also. not a daily thing for me however. and i prefer 70%. with hot pepper :D

i would think the elemental mag in half a square would indeed be negligible, considering that we are meant to be aiming for 7-10mg/kg body weight of magnesium daily. you don't tend to see magnesium on nutrition labels of processed foods anyway, so it's a good thing we have resources like nutritiondata to keep us in the loop.

3L of water! what kind, if i may ask. city tap? well? filtered? bottled? ??? lol

as you mention inflammation, i imagine you adhere overall to a dietary pyramid like this one or similar? http://bit.ly/2pT2nGa
your diet looks generally great although i do see more detail on the fruits side (which tend to be pro inflammatory) than for the greens (anti)
have your run your day's food intake through an inflammation calculator like this? http://inflammationfactor.com/look-up-if-ratings/
you can't check everything, but it can give an interesting first approximation.
on balance, using that specific tool, we're meant to go for a +50 daily food score when healthy, and +100 when fighting any illness associated with inflammation.

may i inquire as to the rationale for a cortisol supplement?

i like the look of that considered switch to cal mag 1:1, instead of 1000mg calcium. calcium does compete with mag and while there are studies documenting low magnesium in ms patients, i have never seen reason to red flag low calcium as a concern for ms patients.

any reason for your emphasis on walnuts? no brazil nuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, or things like that?

i too cheat with pizza :) this year i am dropping back to pizza every other month vs every month. more because i'm not getting enough exercise lately than for any other health reason.

re switching to b100, i imagine you know to be careful with long term daily intakes of b6, ie not to *exceed* 100mg.

your diet doesn't sound boring to me hahaha. sounds a bit like mine when i am on track, except lately i have not eating enough food period. so far today i have had an apple with a little cheese and peanut butter, plus tea, coffee and water :S and it's 830pm. bad. 2019 update: in less than a year from this post i would be in huge trouble and suffer brain damage with visual impairment that left me unable to drive for a month while i hunted down the physio i needed to recover muscular ability to make my left eye work with my right to properly focus. since then, i am back to being ever so diligent with food and supplements. vision is back, heat tolerance is worse, otherwise no new issues

when i do eat this eve, it will be a little of a brown and wild rice dish i made with garlic, onion, red pepper, mushroom, spinach and cranberries. i will top it with a bit of chili made today with garlic, onion, spices, lean family-farm-raised beef, celery, red pepper, carrot, tomato, kidney beans, corn, and lots of chopped spinach. speaking of which i have made myself hungry. (past) time to eat! :D
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Re: Hello

Post by SeanReynolds »

Check the Wheldon protocol that uses antibiotics to treat a suspected CPn infection causing MS in turn.

That explains your 'flu' problem perfectly in that CPn is a pneumonia bug that apparently can start invading your entire system, and is caught via coughing and sneezing etc.

Improving your diet and nutrition and taking supplements inevitably boosts your immune system a bit and helps you fight this bug or any bug, hence some people may be lucky and have a complete remittance once their immune system 'cracks the code' and starts recognising and fighting the bug properly. Others are not so lucky.
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

jimmylegs, bottled natural spring water. I will check the calculator and pyramid. During CIS I had 1 gram IV steroids daily (incredible healing) for 7 days. After that 64mg daily tablets, 8mg decrease every week. Walnut is for cholesterol reduction, omega 3. It is a nutrient bomb and easily available here. I eat cashews for magnesium and sometimes almonds.

SeanReynolds thanks for your reply. I don't have any flu like problems and no infection according to my blood tests. I guess my body is in an adaptation stage and huge repair process. One day I have some tingling in my right hand, 1 day later nothing. Thumb twitching, mild walking ataxia, numbness. Nothing lasts more than hours except numbness in my feet fingers (very first symptom before CIS). I hope Rebif will help with the modulation.
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Re: Hello

Post by jimmylegs »

spring water sounds good. *how* good depends which part of the world however. i will try to find the related resource i am thinking of.
in the meantime if you have not seen this, it's got loads of good info: http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/1066 ... 50_eng.pdf
(can't guarantee i agree with 100% of content. part of the reason why i chose the image i did for the pyramid - came with a built in caveat :D )

i am having a ponder re the cortisol as i know it is elevated, though not what i would consider in a good way, when zinc is low. not sure if i have it puzzled out just yet since the related forum chats are a few yrs old and i have to get my head back around that side of things. i don't study pharma products often so out of the loop in that dept.

do you happen to know how many mgs of zinc you are typically getting daily from diet? tends to be on the low side in ms patients.

i also wonder if you are in the habit of taking epsom salts baths or similar, and whether you are achieving daily mag intake of 7-10mg/km body weight. i ask because of your mention of twitching, tingling, ataxia, numbness etc. your serum level doesn't really scream huge magnesium problems, but maybe you tested at a peak for personal daily circadian rhythm. not a huge study, but interesting:

Serum magnesium circadian rhythm in human adults with respect to age, sex and mental status
http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 8178900542
"Venous blood was sampled at 4-h intervals and fixed clock hours (07.45, 11.45, 15.45, 19.45, 23.45, 03.45) during 24 h. ... The 24-h mean is higher in elderly subjects than in the young ones. The rhythm amplitude is larger in elderly males than in young ones. The acrophase (peak time) location in the 24-h scale is 10.12 h for elderly females, 11.35 h for elderly males and 16.36 h for young males."
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

This morning I had some cough and elevated core temperature (37.5 Celcius) so I decided to make my test today. I have some interesting results:

22 days between tests

Potassium increased 3.7 to 4.1 mmol/L (diet worked without supplements)
Magnesium increased 2.24 to 2.27 mg/dL (diet worked without supplements)
Calcium decreased 9.7 to 9.5 mg/dL (diet worked, still high so stopping calcium supplement is next move)
Creatinine same 0.82 mg/dL (lots of water works for kidneys)
Phosphor tested this time and yes it is low, good catch 1.95 mg/dL
B12 increased 286 pg/mL to 540 pg/mL (maybe decrease supplement to 500mcg B12)
D3 increased 14.2 ng/mL to 38.1 ng/mL (very good increase without any megadose, 10000 IU single tablet on the way)
Zinc test continues

Now the big fail with my diet. No change in cholesterol.

Urine test is perfect

Blood test shows I have an infection:

Lymphocyte down from 3.72 to 0.75 tho/uL
Now the scary thing my blood is %88,3 neutrophils now, %58 previous test. Lymphocytes down from %35.6 to %9.5 and monocyte down from %4.17 to %1.48

Feeling really tired and dizzy now. Watching my temperature and drinking lots of water.
Last edited by Zyklon on Thu Apr 20, 2017 11:22 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Hello

Post by jimmylegs »

re infection sorry to hear :( perhaps you can make an extra effort to emphasize vits A C and E, plus crucially the minerals selenium (brazil nuts) and zinc (specifically oysters, venison etc) in diet.

good news re potassium :) if you can get to 4.4, will put you at the peak of the bell within the serum 'normal' range (for whatever that is worth!)

keep going on magnesium, and do note the circadian rhythm piece included above. i plan to dig in to full text if i have access, to see what the range within the course of a single day can be. personally, i would rather test the daily worst case scenario than the best. luckily i already try to do any of my own tests in the am, fasting.

sounds good re taking a break from calcium.

re cholesterol. if you can increase vit C in diet, could help move those numbers: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/ar ... 6708000281
do you have individual results for HDL LDL and triglycerides?

re vit C. you may be aware that papaya, red pepper, broccoli and strawberries etc are all better sources than the excellently-advertised oranges :S hehe
http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tnam ... #foodchart

i have tried and failed to track down the vit C content in rose hip tea. only non authoritative source i've found is livestrong, but it does not provide sources and contradicts itself from section to section within one page: http://www.livestrong.com/article/47986 ... dangerous/
while digging for info have learned, interestingly, that vit c content in rosehips (and in other vegetation) increases with increasing distance from the equator. something to do with the plant's defense mechanisms against sunlight, with seasonal variation apparently influenced by longer hours of sunshine at certain times of year.

hope you feel better soon :)
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Re: Hello

Post by Zyklon »

CRP level is 0.3 mg/L. Doc says it should be higher in case of infection or inflammation. I guess something else is going on. Apart from feeling dizzy and tired, no neurological symptoms. LDL is 179.1 mg/dL.

500mg paracetamol and feeling better.
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