Dr. Coimbra Protocol

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today, Saturday, I feel fine and I have taken the 46,000iu this morning.

The thing about posting these comments is I get a written idea of what has been going on over the last few days but also people out there who are thinking about doing the protocol can have an idea of what to expect. I wouldn't do this without a protocol doctor as there are times when you don't know which way to go and what to do. A quick phone call and it puts your mind at rest.

Apparently I am quite lucky as some people take a long time before they get any reaction to the vitamin D3.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Monday and still feelng fine. I had a really good night's sleep last night. 46,000iu again today.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi again,

I am well again today but I am thinking about going up to 47,000 to see what that might do. Just to see if it makes any difference. I will leave it a week though.

My protocol Doctor is Dr. Michael Cawley and his email is cawleymjd@gmail.com
This email is very busy and allow time for an answer. He is the only protocol Doctor in the UK, that I know of.
His initial assessment cost 225 euro. through Skype and follow up 20-30 mins appointments reviewing blood tests are 75 euro. (usually every 3/4 months.) Questions via WhatsApp texts or calls between official appointments are free.

My right hand is much looser than it has been for years. It is much more relaxed. My balance is better and I feel stronger. I think we all expect things to change quickly but the body needs time to adjust and sort itself out.

My next Doctor's appointment is by telephone on 5th December (the earliest I could get, face to face was 18th December) when I will ask for another blood test. Hopefully it will be ok.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Still feeling fine. I have had 5 days on 46,000iu and today I am taking 47,000iu. I want to see if there is a difference as before I took the first 46,000iu on that morning I was feeling fine. I wondered whether I should have gone down. I know I am very close to the correct dose for me. I am not sure but I think my right hand is slighty worse than it was.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

47,000iu again today. I feel fine in fact I think my right hand is a little better. We shall see how it goes.

What I have continued to do is have a solid breakfast with gluten free toast. This, I feel, helps with the other end when it comes out. There is no nice way to put this. It is very soft. Not liquid but really soft and uncontrollable at times. I can go to the toilet for a wee and do both! Luckily I am retired! My tummy has never worked so well. I go every day and sometimes four times a day. Unbelievable.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today, Saturday, (third day on 47,000iu) I am feeling really well. I have more energy and getting more work done at home.

Over the last week I have had less gas in my stomach. In fact very little at all. I have suffered for years, controlling the gas, as with MS the stomach muscles do not hold it in. It could also be me getting old! One of the things, I do not think I have mentioned, is that I take one Acidophilus tablet a day, first thing in the morning, with water. (Bought from INCITE High potency 10 billion bacteria 120 tablets). I have only two left in the tub. Yesterday I made a vegetable broth with everything in and this morning I think it has already left my system! I think the good bacteria with Magnesium and the high intake of water has sorted it out.
I went round to my next door but one neighbour yesterday, I sit with his wife every week for a few hours to give him a break. When I started this D3 protocol I was getting so unsure of my walking that I used a stick for that short distance. The last two weeks I havn't bothered as I have felt stronger and more confident. If you have MS you will understand the balance thing that happens. That is far, far better and there were times when just going to look at the flower beds would put me off because of my balance. This in itself is great for me and I feel grateful that I have even got this far. There is one thing about having MS all the time and that is you know when you start to get better!!

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Dr. Cawley thinks this is the amount that I need 47,000iu. My own Doctor will ring on Tuesday morning, then book the blood test (last time over a week to get it) and wait.

I feel that the improvement I have had was probably to do with all the nutrients and especially the vitamin D3, I have been taking and now we have to wait for the body to renew itself.

I have great faith in this treatment to work. The day before I found the Dr. Coimbra Vitamin D3 protocol I was at a weekly healing group that I belong to. They asked if I had ever asked for help for myself. I had always thought that I should be able to do this myself. I was told "you have to ask God for help". So I said out loud "Okay I am now asking for help as I am getting a lot worse and need your help." The next day there it was when I looked up MS again on Google. I have looked and read so many things but never seen this before.

As I have said before, I am not talking about religion but of a spiritual way of life and a belief in something far greater than you can imagine. Like Star Wars "May the force go with you!"

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Still feeling fine but last night my right leg was dragging a little more than it has been. Apparently these things happen but I will keep an eye on this.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by AntonioBR »

Thank you, Kittie, for posting about your experience with the protocol.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi, I havn't posted for a few days because I was trying to fathom out what has been wrong with me.
Sunday evening my right leg was dragging more than it has been. I was okay Monday, but not as good as I had been. I had parsley sauce at tea time. Mistake maybe. I made it from a packet but used my Almond Milk. I looked the next day and noticed it had 14% dried milk! I have had no milk for a long time. Thought it was okay just this once!
I awoke, in the early hours of Tuesday morning, very hot and had to throw the covers off for quite a while to cool down. Tuesday morning I got up with a sick feeling in my tummy.Tuesday 46,000iu.
Wednesday, 46,000iu. Still feeling sickly so missed breakfast and felt better, in fact much better, by lunchtime. I then took 46,000iu. and magnesium, etc. I started to feel sickly again after about an hour. I text Dr. Cawley and asked if it might be the vitamin D3 and he said it could be. I was to take 20,000iu tomorrow morning but to keep the magnesium the same as it was, as it could be either. Then to take the rest with my evening meal.
I wasn't looking froward to my tea but it seemed to go down well and the sickness went. I took my Iionic Magnesium about 8.00p.m. Again this left me a little sickly.
This morning, Thursday, I still feel sickly and do not feel like taking anythig else into my tummy, but I will.
This is again why you need a protocol Doctor. I think at this stage, if I was on my own, I would have given up. Apparently I need to still get up to 1,000iu to each kg of my weight. I am now 9st. so that is 57,000iu. So really not too far away.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I took 20,000iu this morning and magnesium the same as usual. I do not feel sick now but the right hand is not good today at all.
Dr. Cawley rang me and said I was reacting to both the vitamin D3 and the Magnesium, which meant I was poisoned.
I am to cut the Ionic Mag.by half to 1/2 a teaspoonful once a day.
I have taken another 10,000iu D3 this afternoon to bring it up to 30,000iu then another 8,000iu after my main meal. 38,000iu D3 altogether.
I have ordered PectaClear which was recommended by Dr. Cawley to detox my system. Apparently there are loads of people poisoned by Mercury, etc. This should solve the problem. I always wondered about my dental fillings, etc.
I could not have solved this by myself and a good knowledgeable Doctor is of paramount importance.

Onward and upward,
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Today, Friday. Snow has arrived here today. Christmas card picture.

I had a rough night and woke up in the early hours feeling sick, faint, palpitations and generally poorly. When I got up this morning I felt rough and drank three glasses of water, which seemed to help. I text Dr. Cawley and explained how I had been. He rang me and we arranged to Skype.

He said we have to eliminate whatever my body is rejecting. To keep vitamin D3 the same as yesterday(I felt really well last night before bedtime even my hand had opened up again). No Magnesium Citrate today at all. Then we will see if it makes any difference.

Onward and upward.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

Hi Kittie,
Kittie wrote:Today, Friday. Snow has arrived here today. Christmas card picture.

I had a rough night and woke up in the early hours feeling sick, faint, palpitations and generally poorly. When I got up this morning I felt rough and drank three glasses of water, which seemed to help. I text Dr. Cawley and explained how I had been. He rang me and we arranged to Skype.
Have you had your blood calcium levels checked recently? Were they OK?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Blood test booked for the 19th December, 2017. Dr. Cawley said he wasn't envisaging any problems.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

Kittie wrote:Blood test booked for the 19th December, 2017. Dr. Cawley said he wasn't envisaging any problems.
OK. That's good that you're going to get your blood checked. I have a friend that was trying to follow the Coimbra Protocol and became hypercalcemic. They had to be hospitalized to treat it.
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