Domestic Stem cell therapy

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Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by HUD45 »

Hi. I have been researching stem cell procedures and various clinics that do the therapy. I am wondering if
anyone here has experiences to share.

The type I am learning about now involves umbilical stem cells directly placed into the lumbar spinal canal (intrathecal ). A one time shot, outpatient basis.

There are numerous clinics that have been providing these services domestically in the US for some time.

Others inject adipose stem cells into a gland behind the nose....

Of course there are testimonials available and provided studies to the positive but I hope to find successful recommendations if they truly exist.

Thanks in advance...HUD
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by Tif »

Hi Hud,
You're in luck....I did the Umbilical Cord tissue derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell UCMSC, via an IV, on May 2,, 15 days ago. I did it in Scottsdale, AZ. Quick and easy.

I have improvements with my ability to move my legs on their own, without using my hands to move them. Today was the first time in years that my leg could lift high enough to cross the other, and then uncross. I did it twice. I'm very happy with that.

I don't feel I'm swaying (when I stand) like I would before, I'm sturdier....

I'm much more pliable, is what a friend said about me...the rigidity is gone. My legs are not fighting everything. They were always going stiff, and would fight against me...spasms.

Hope this helps!

Has anyone else tried it?

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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by 81Charger »

Very interesting to hear your success. I'm very interested in this, my biggest question is the cost if you wouldn't mind sharing.

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

This topic/procedure is several years old and in spite of several years of time, there is still no conclusive evidence that it is effective, although 100% of the facilities doing the procedure will tell you otherwise.

More research and testing still needs to be done - there are many other less risky and less costly and likely more effective and safe options at this point in time.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by Tif »

The cost was $12,000. an IV injection. There are 90 million UCMSC per IV injection. It's done at 1 month intervals, for up to 3 injections.

What are the less risky options? I was going to go to Panama for the UCMSC, and at the last minute I was told about the UCMSC being available here.

Prior to UCMSC, my foot pad felt like I had a piece of duct tape across it, a very tight feeling. The numbness/tight sensation has lessened a lot...let's say it was a 10 on tightness/numbness, I'd put it at a 3 now.

When I lay down, I'm now able to move my legs on their own, no hands needed. I also am noticing more control of my upper body.

The stem cells came from a company called Biogenix.

Hope this helps you!
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

"What are the less risky options?"

Many diets seem to work and of course there is the Coimbra high dosage vitamin D protocol, high dose Biotin and there are many other safe choices...

As there have been serious illnesses and a number or deaths associated with stem cell therapy and stem cell therapy is at its infancy (and still basically unproven in its effectiveness), it should probably be a treatment of last resort at this time. The FDA issued a warning last year.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by Tif »

I looked into doing a Biotin clinical trial months ago, but I wasn't eligible due to walking requirement (TW=25<40 seconds) I nixed that idea. I take calcium supplements...

This is not 'old', slow dividing mesenchymal stem cells from my own fat cells, or from bone marrow. They are stem cells from a healthy births umbilical cord derived mesenchymal stem cells. Their division is much more prolific, than my own.

I looked up studies, read them and their results. It appeared to me that the UCMSC were the way to go. Studies from around the world.

When you end up in a wheelchair with SPMS, and see no future, 'last resort' treatment becomes your option.

'(and still basically unproven in its effectiveness)'-- guess I'm here to help prove out one case -Mine.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

"When you end up in a wheelchair with SPMS, and see no future, 'last resort' treatment becomes your option. "

You are correct, but..

IMHO, here are a couple of things you can try immediately without risk:

1. High dose Biotin (100mg capsules) are relatively inexpensive and easily available (Amazon has many different brands to choose from). You can easily do it on your own. The recommended dosage is 300mg per day, 100 mg 3 times per day. I believe a month's supply is under $50.

2. Read The Wahls Protocol book by Dr. Terry Wahls. She was in a wheelchair but is no longer. Most of her protocol makes sense to me and many, many have reported success. I started on a diet similar to hers that I came up with based on research I did before reading her book. I am happy to give you basic guidelines that I follow (I have been on a high good fat diet for about 5 years).

3. High dose Vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 is very, very inexpensive. You can do this protocol on your own if you don't want to use a doctor but you should have blood work done every 3 months at least for the first year or two. I am happy to give you basic guidelines that I follow (I have been taking high dosages of D3 for about 3 years.

4. If you do all of the above, you should also consider a diet rich in probiotics (includes homemade fermented foods and drinks as well as store bought supplements).

5. As much exercise as you can handle.

With regard to stem cell therapy, like all protocols for MS, it works for some but not for all (although the clinics will not tell you this). Is it worth a try? If you are really at the end of your rope and not willing to try anything else, yes.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by Tif »

I'm absolutely interested in the things you mentioned.

What is considered a high dose for D3?

I'll order some Biotin, thx.

I've started probiotic capsules. i haven't done fermented foods.

What does the outline of your diet look like? I do fruits, veggies, cashews, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, fish, shrimp, chicken, avocado.

I'm only noticing improvements after the UCMSC's.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

I will post detailed info over the weekend, I am curious though, are you gluten free?

Can you post more detailed info about your procedure?
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by Tif »

No, I'm not gluten free- I looked up gluten foods and the tempura and teriyaki sauce got me.

The procedure was super easy. 1. The UCMSC's are shipped on dry ice to the Dr.
2. They put an IV in my arm
3. Pushed saline through
4. Over a 3-4 minute period they inject the UCMSC's
5. Pushed saline through
6. Take IV out, and that's it.
7. Then I hung out for 1/2 hr or so talking with friends that went with me...
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

What is considered a high dose for D3?

Apparently over about 30,000iu daily is probably considered high dose. I picked a target range that I want my D3 level at, have blood work done for thisand other reasons every few months and adjust my dose based on the test results. I have taken D3 in the dosage amount of 35,000iu to 70,000iu daily. I have been in the lower ends of this range for a while.

There is a lot of information on the Coimbra protocol here and on the web. You should read up on it. Calcium apparently should be avoided when taking dosages above 30,000 iu daily and blood work should be done retulqaqrly to monitor your level.

I'll order some Biotin, thx.

Keep in mind, Biotin and other supplements and diets are long term treatments, don't expect instant results.

I've started probiotic capsules. i haven't done fermented foods.

There are many, many different brands of probiotics, different levels (typically rated in the billions, and many strains. The specific strains are probably more important than the amount. In the scheme of things, even probiotics in the 70 billion range and not significant compared to the amount you get in an 8 oz kefir fermented beverage, which would be in the trillions.

Fermented foods are easy to make at home and relatively inexpensive and you control the ingredients used to make them. Homemade kefir can have 150 billion colony forming units per tablespoon, so an 8 ounce drink would be equivalent to 45 teaspoons or over 7 trillion. I make and consume both milk kefir (made with milk from grass fed cows) and water kefir. Because I restrict my calcium intake, I only have about 4 tablespoons of milk kefir per day, but drink over 64 ounces of water kefir daily.

Also consider taking a prebiotic. Prebiotics are a type of fiber typically from a plant and help probiotics work more efficiently.

What does the outline of your diet look like? I do fruits, veggies, cashews, pistachios, almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, fish, shrimp, chicken, avocado.

I am on a high good fat (grass fed meats only) diet. I eat virtually no vegetables or fruits (typically limited to berries (no strawberries) that I use to flavor the water kefir I make), but I do take supplements that are thought to be concentrated in the nutrition they are thought to supply, eat a very small amount of a small selection of nuts limited to those that have the most healthy fat levels, have the least amount of phytic acid and lectins. When it comes to nuts, I basically only consume Macadamia nuts, Chestnuts in very limited amounts and I 'cheat' with a very small amount of pistachio nuts.

Also keep in mind that if you buy roasted nuts, they are processed with oils. Only dry roasted should be consumed. I buy raw nuts and dry roast them myself using an Air Fryer. I do not eat raw nuts anymore.

Make sure the seafood you are eating is wild caught as farm raised animals are fed grains. I do eat some poultry but only from animals fed a special diet that yields meat (and eggs) high in Omega 3s - these are not available from your local supermarket (and are not cheap).

I'm only noticing improvements after the UCMSC's.

That is excellent news! Hope it continues. Please keep us posted...
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by NHE »

ElliotB wrote:Fermented foods are easy to make at home and relatively inexpensive and you control the ingredients used to make them. Homemade kefir can have 150 billion colony forming units per tablespoon, so an 8 ounce drink would be equivalent to 45 teaspoons or over 7 trillion. I make and consume both milk kefir (made with milk from grass fed cows) and water kefir. Because I restrict my calcium intake, I only have about 4 tablespoons of milk kefir per day, but drink over 64 ounces of water kefir daily.
It seems that your math may be off. There are 2 tablespoons/ounce, therefore there are 16 tablespoons in an 8 ounce cup. 16 x 150 billion CFUs = 2.4 trillion CFUs.

Oh, and there are 3 teaspoons/tablespoon, so there are 48 teaspoons in an 8 ounce cup, not 45.
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by ElliotB »

You are correct, I just checked the conversion program I used and it converted a cup into teaspoons, not tablespoons and i missed that, thanks for the correction.

2.4 trillion CFUs is still obviously a lot more than you get from a couple of pills that are typically only in the low millions!
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Re: Domestic Stem cell therapy

Post by HUD45 »

Thank you Tif and glad to hear you have had some relief. All I was looking for here was information anecdotally from people with experience. Lectures on the media's and others assertion that all stem cell procedures are a last resort are really just opinions. There is no consensus worldwide. I agree that there are things one could try that are less risky and costly but we are individuals and there is more than one way to treat any illness. I get a kick out of how some folks think they are experts and how they profess certain opinions as absolute truth. Reminds me of a neuroligist.

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