Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by ElliotB »

‘Desatascador’ Device Video now posted!

Here is a link:

If you try the device, please post your thoughts on it after using it for a month....
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

I have been developing this method over four years. The first electromagnetic source I used produced 6000 milligauss,but this produced enormous foot pain in both ankles the following day. Thankfully. that only lasted a few weeks but at least it enabled me to think through the whole issue and now I believe I understand MS. The Desatascador will completely heal the condition but to benefit as I am now doing you have to get the idea that MS is an autoimmune disorder out of your mind. It is entirely due to magnetite. It fits with all the statistics,published.Please read my post entitled -multiple sclerosis desatascador.It is growing daily but I estimate it will be complete before the end of August 2018.
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by ElliotB »

Have you received feedback from others that have tried it?
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

Not yet, but ordering from A....n can be a bit slow and I am trying to add a little more clarity each day!
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by ElliotB »

I have posted a simple video here: ... 30300.html


In the video, I have the handle facing downwards towards my feet. In rereading Gristy56's instructions, it appears I had misinterpreted Gristy56's original instructions and that he recommends that the handle face upwards:

"Lie on your bed. Place the Desatascador on your stomach so that it is central, the motor is roughly above your kidneys, the handle is pointing towards your chin and most importantly the pin to your right as you see it. This I will call the 'home' position and you would do well to learn it. I assume you have fitted the batteries according to the 'legend' and the pin spins clockwise....."

I asked Gristy56 to review the video and clarify. He has responded that the handle can face up or down BUT that the pin should face towards the right at all times regardless of the handle direction.
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

Just to add my experience._

Each day, I wake up feeling a bit better than yesterday. I now have very little diplopia or oscilopsia. I can now almost read even the smallest letters on the TV at the foot of the bed. I often wake in the night feeling like a 'real man' if you know what I mean! I can see clearly my cereals on the spoon before I put it in my mouth. I rarely spill anything now! etc etc
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by Music »

I have been using the desatascador since August 2. While I do not have big vision problems, I am feeling weaker and stiffer every day physically.

Any thoughts?
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by 81Charger »

I have been using the device since early September and either I'm not using it correctly or it's not conditioned but I can't get any change of sound at all. I usually use it for 5-10 minutes before I go to bed.

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by ElliotB »

5-10 minutes a day is probably too little - Simon is in a better position to answer this.

I have been using two Desatascadors, one makes the noise, the other does not (probably have used both about a hour per day for about two months. BUT, I have a magnetic field meter and both give the same results so I am not sure how important the noise is or not, again, Simon is in a better position to answer this.

Have you noticed any benefits?
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

5-10 minutes doesn't sound very long at all. It's effect is certainly accumulative. Use it for as long as you need. Eyesight problems and their reduction is the easiest way to monitor your progress. If you feel weak and I do at times it is because you have moved magnetite but not eliminated it yet. You must chelate, chelate, chelate and then chelate some more. Eventually the noise of magnetite will become much 'thinner' and intermittent, especially moving your hand up and down the aorta, rapidly. Your sides too and thighs.
You will be amazed at doing straight leg raises. Initially it may cause muscle cramps or cramp but will reduce with time. If you have extreme weakness sitting up after reclining, this is due to magnetite on the move in the lower spine and can be eliminated by moving the Desatascador to these areas. Such is my experience.
Persistent tinnatus is becoming fainter but does increase considerably if there is much magnetite in the blood since it ccan get anywhere!
All in all, take this treatment very seriously. In order to remove magnetite, it is a very serious business. If you expect instant results, you will not suceed. You might be lucky and find that some symptoms are easy to remove but this is not generally true. No pills, I know, will have an acceptable effect on what is a physical problem, not a biochemical one as the mainstream would still have us believe. Make your own mind up before you embark with the Desatascador.

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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by 81Charger »

Okay thanks, it's hard for me to find the time to try this much longer without taking away from my sleep. I'm going to try harder though to make more time.

Thanks Glenn
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

At the end of the day it's what you are willing to give it, like most things in this life. There's no magic wand. In my original eight part post, I've tried to make it as simple as possible.......

Tided up and with tipos removed a copy has been sent to a Medical Proffesor in the USA. He's not actually a neurologist but has been very open minded in the past. It was originally his advice together with U.C San Francisco that I 'blog' these findings more than four years ago. Initial reaction was very critical of what was described as a complete scam, so for me it has taken considerable time to come up with the desatascador.

Look, my advice to you, is to follow the section entitled 'try this'. A bit at a time. If you have not had MS for a long time, then the magnetite stored in your shoulders is less. Providing that you chelate what you degauss, then I think you will not cause serious problems. Let me know what's happening!

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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by ElliotB »

My 2nd Desatasador is now conditioned after several months of usage and is now making the same vibration noise as my first one. Again, as I mentioned previously, the noise does not affect the magnetic field.

I continue to maintain the improvements I achieved after starting the use of this device and continue to use it on a daily basis and plan to keep on using it indefinitely.

FWIW, the price of the motor has dropped on Amazon to $4.99 for two, free shipping if you are willing to wait about a month for delivery. Otherwise you can still get two for just under $10 on Amazon prime in two days - I am a bargain hunter!

I plan on making a Desatascador Hat mounting two or three of the devices onto a hat so I can just 'wear' the Desatascador to easily do my head area in a relatively short period of time with extreme ease.
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

Good to hear your plans. The fact that it has taken as long as it has is a good indication that you have chelated successfully. You will find too that the Desatascador will now last much longer this time because there will be less wear on the magnets inside the motor.
Before degaussing the head, which probably won't need so much is to make sure that your shoulders are clear. This will take the most time and I believe is the reason for MS in the first place. If your shoulder veins are overloaded, it's a bit like magnetite can't escape from the brain like minor roads a'T' junctions when the traffic on the main road is 'nose to tail'. This is where the adding of stents wins but is not the solution because these will eventually be blocked themselves. The problem is the blockage which must be removed.
Look at the design of a 'Venturi' paint spray nozzle to know how it should be. This is the design of the veinal system to draw iron oxide nanoparticles out of the head at the same rate they are entering via the rising aorta. It is not sufficient to rely on the blood flow into the head alone because of the reistance of so many capillaries. It also requires the vacuum produced at the exit.
If they become stationary, that's the time de myelination occurs. Don't think the blood becomes stationary. It doesn't. The magnetite is in the blood but not part of it. This is the wheel within a wheel that I have already spoken about.
Hope that helps.
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Re: Desatascador An informal, totally unscientific 'test'

Post by gristy56 »

I continue to use the Desatascador frequently, and continue to experience daily improvements. For instance, I have virtually no double vision such that I can now read most small print on the TV screen and can see with more clarity the contents of my spoon before I put it in my mouth!
Moving about with the back of a chair for assistance is easier. Standing up from the seated position on the bed using the chair only for confidence with balance is getting easier.
A straight leg raise with either leg from the reclined position is now possible everytime when I exercise, and I only experience muscle spasms occasionally.
I can now cross one heel over the opposite knee when reclined with knees bent without using hand assisstance.
I have very little pain at anytime and can continue in the seated position for much longer without difficulty.

It might be slow but now at 61 I'm sure I have much magnetite to chelate. After 34 years of MS I'm still surprised by the small improvements, but am greatly encouraged and hope if you read this, you will be equally inspired to try this yourself.
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