A forum to discuss Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency and its relationship to Multiple Sclerosis.
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Post by Robnl »

Sharon wrote:Robert -

I would like to post something on the Alliance FB page but I cannot find any confirming obits in the State of New York. I am sure you would like to keep your source confidential, but would you mind PM'ng me?

Thanks so much
Hi Sharon,

Send you a pm.

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Post by vesta »

uprightdoc wrote:Nigel,

I know about Finnish Heaters, Russian Bells, German grundofen and kakleofens and Swedish kakelugns but I have never heard of a Canadian Fire. Is it a wood stove?

I disagree with you that rehab can't stop progression in neurodegenerative conditions. It depends on the condition, the extent of damage and the type of treatment used. Fernandez Noda showed significant recovery of Parkinson's diseases following surgical correction of thoracic outlet syndromes. Rafael Hernandez showed significant recovery of neurodegenerative conditions using omental transplantation placed according to the particular pathology. CSF Shunts prevent significant degeneration due to hydrocephalus etc.

Which concepts of chiropractic are you referring to. Are you referring to all chiropractors and all chiropractors as a waste of time?

Breach of the BBB is just one small aspect of neurodegenerative diseases. There are many other factors such as chronic ischemia, edema, inflammation, hydrocephalus etc..

Diet and exercise have long been recognized as the pillars of health and intergral to the treatment of disease in Traditional Chinese Medicine, chiropractic and other alternative health systems. Martial arts have always been a part of the Asian health care systems.

Disc bulges bulges can be corrrected surgically. I don't know about strengthening the endothelium but there are many other factors to consider other than the endothelium, which is just a small piece of the puzzle. In addition to blocking blood and CSF flow, disc bulges also cause mechanical strains of the dura that can damage the cord.

Personally, I like my explanation and approach to the treatment of neurodgenerative diseases the best. I base my treatment on what I call conformation analysis, which bases treatment on observations and analysis of the individual's particular anatomy, physiology and pathlogy. Too much research is currently focuses on genotype and ignores phenotypes. I suspect it is phenotypes that account for the racial and gender differences in MS, NMO and Asian Optic Spinal MS, not genotypes.

I agree with you there are a lot of nutbag religous fanatics in chiropractic that give it a bad name. May of the hardline religous fanatics use specific upper cervical care and stick to the bible according to BJ Palmer. There are certainly a lot of rip offs and scam artists in chiropractic and other alternative health care systems as well, espeically acupunture and herbology. Fortunately they do little harm and are comparatively inexpensive. The dental profession is likewise full of scam artists claiming expertise in musculoskeletal, neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. By far the biggest scam artists however are in the medical profession. Have you read the controvery surrounding the movie "Vaxxed?" Have you read about the tainted flu vaccines in China that were knowingly given to millions of people. Did you read about the oncologist in Chicago who treated thousands of patients with chemo and radiation therapy for cancers they didn't have? The psychiatric profession is basically a scam that makes up diseases. Unfortunately, medical treatments can cause severe harm and medical care is one of the leading causes of bankruptcy.

What Dr. Rosa is doing is terrific but needs to be done on far greater scale using public funding that includes other equally valid methods of treatment as well. And while it may be new to upper cervical doctors, the connection to blood and CSF flow has been recognized in cranial therapy for over seventy-five years.

You can't always fix damaged tissues but you can manage them and halt or slow degenerative processes and manage signs and symptoms. Diet and exercise likewise help to manage neurodegenerative conditions but they rarely fix damaged tissues either. For example, diet and excercise help to manage cardiovascular disease and arthritis but they don't cure it once the damage is done. Moreover, diet and exercise require a daily committment. If you stop, the problems return. Likewise with badly damage spines causing or contributing to neurodegenerative diseases. They need ongoing care.

Take your time, it's a lot to swallow.
This last entry by Dr. Flanagan is an excellent overview of his thinking. He was such an active support for the CCSVI and CCVBP thread, always ready to analyse an individual's issues and answer questions and join in debate. His passing leaves a big, empty space I don't see being filled any time soon. He really gave us alot of energy and outstanding advice. I think his thread deserves the same indexing as Dr Sclafani's. He was preparing a manuscript for a Publisher and I hope it WILL be published. I can't believe he is gone.

On a personal note, on April 26 I asked a number of people from Tims if they would form a team with me for the MS Hackathon based on my paper MS. A FUNCTIONAL DISORDER (posted here on April 27). Dr. Flanagan was the first to respond, writing on April 27, the same date as his last Tims post.

Dear Vesta,

I apologize for the tardy response.

Thank-you for your invitation to join the group but I am very busy at this time preparing my next book's manuscript for publication.

Warm regards,

Dr. Flanagan

That is a gentleman’s response.

(Everyone did eventually respond to my request except one. I confess my main purpose was that the paper be read and it was read by up to 100 researchers and I’m glad Dr. Flanagan’s name was prominent. And I’m also glad I posted my respect for him here on April 16 and he thanked me.)

Robni, he really followed closely your individual case. I hope we can figure out a way to get the word out about his work, see that it is done full justice. I wish he could answer, even if it’s to say I’m full of beans.

Best regards, Vesta
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Post by Robnl »

. Robni, he really followed closely your individual case.
I know, i realize he was really dedicated to help. I never met him, but he was a friend. We also mailed outside the forum.

His work can not be lost.

Once i said 'doc, your theory'....and he got angry; 'theory?? Facts!!'. And i was like: 'o, o'...and felt ashamed.
And now i have to miss my big help, the man who had answers and was in search of acknowledgment.
He saw more and more studies confirming his findings. New neurologists are starting to see it, he said...pfff, it's a shame he cant be part of it anymore....

I miss him, who also could be so enthousiastic about his merril magee project...
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Post by vesta »

Hello Robni: Where can I find Dr. Flanagan's Obituary? It occurs to me there may not be an obituary because they opened their business just a year ago. What a beautiful project, it's unbelievable they renovated and built the buildings and furnished them so quickly. I would like to know détails of his biography, but maybe we will have to wait. What a tragedy.

Thanks, Vesta
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Post by Sharon »

Hello Vesta,
I have been in contact with Dr Flanagan's wife as I wanted to post a notice on the Alliance FB page. Respecting her privacy and that of the family, I will not be making a post until she decides to go public.
We will all miss him!
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Post by blossom »

hi everybody, I haven't been around for a good while and is decided to drop by and see if there is anything new. My condition has deteriorated a good bit. – If what I am reading is accurate and Dr. Flanigan passed away. I am very saddened. He was the only one that addressed the neck issues and spine that for 20 years. No one else would listen to me. He took the time to talk to me on the phone and try to guide me. Unfortunately,, I could not get a neurosurgeon to get done what I need to get done. – Besides being way ahead of the game and a brilliant man. He was a compassionate and caring man. I never had the privilege of meeting him in person, but I always wanted to. I have spoken briefly to his wife, when I used to be in contact with them and I'm sure she is heartbroken. what a loss to everybody here and to the world.

if he passed away on April 16 it is the same day my mom passed away a few years back. – I just don't know what to say but –I guess we never know– – – – this took what little strength. I felt right out of me.

I hope some of you have found things to help. I have not. But I think of everybody and the gold rush of CCSVI – – and Dr. Flanigan and the others to that were involved.
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Post by vesta »

Hi Blossom:

Dr. Flanagan's last post here was on April 27. It's hard to accept that such a fine, generous not to mention brilliant person is no longer with us. After 30 years of frustration at being ignored, I believe his ideas are being accepted and it's unfortunate he won't be here for the deserved recognition. You probably needed surgery long ago. Did you ask Donnchahd (sp?) the identity of the surgeon who operated on him to relieve his bone spurs? I think his neurosurgeon is in Chicago. I realize there may be Financial obstacles to getting treated. A neurosurgeon did free the venous stenosis for Donnchahd, but unfortunately tissue had built up in the obstructed area so that it remained obstructed even though the bone causing the "kink" had been removed.

You might contact him just to know how he is dealing with the obstructed blood circulation, how he is being treated.

My very best regards, Vesta
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Post by Sharon »

I might suggest those with spinal issues look at the Regennex website ... Dr Chris Centano MD and CEO of Regennex treats issues non-surgically. He consults with Dr Scott Rosa.
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Post by Robnl »

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Post by NZer1 »

I have been reading some more details regarding Atlas alignment and the symptom groups. There are lots of clinicians who are researching and training in the vagus nerve involvement of chronic illnesses which a good reminder of Dr F's tireless work.
One example is Emrys Goldsworthy in Aust; ... KZyaNwdDK4 ... oldsworthy
The work of Dr Scot Rosa is also growing the knowledge curve.
Not everyone will have vagus nerve issues as the primary problem in MS, nor the singular problem. Same goes for any of the issues that PwMS have found as 'their' personal triggers in this disease developing. Many get relief with a Jelinek protocol, many others from a Wahls protocol, many from CCSVI treatment with PTA from an experienced and skilled IR such as Dr Sclafani and a combination of ALL of these is often required to address a multifactual disease like MS.
Dr F's second book; ... uviVtYIBgs
Regards all,
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