Bioness personal warning

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Bioness personal warning

Post by r7111 »


I feel everyone should be aware of what they are getting into by buying one. Mine does not work for me, might work for others but Bioness prevents you from selling it by not selling you the supplies that are necessary to use it and won't program a resold unit. This is from Bioness when I asked to sell mine;
“Unfortunately you cannot sell your L300 devices to another person. “They are a Class A medical device which require a medical prescription. For example, let’s say you had pain pills prescribed to you and when you were done with them, you had 10 left over pills. You can’t get on Craigslist nor eBay and sell your left over oxycodone…it’s illegal. Selling your L300s to other people is illegal in the exact same way. “ (from Bioness)

This has been my experience and I just want others to be aware
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Re: Bioness personal warning

Post by ElliotB »

Sorry it is not working for you, but their policy makes sense to me. You are likely aware that a prescription is required for the purchase of a Bioness device. For those that take the time to fully understand what the device is and why that is their policy, it should make sense to them too. Additionally there are federal laws governing this type of device (for good reason).

Ultimately many are helped by their device and similar devices. And of course some are not.
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Re: Bioness personal warning

Post by nuerologicaldeficit »

as long as the buyer you are selling to has a prescription for a bioness unit that shouldn't be an issue legally. Bioness obviously doesn't want people selling their used units for lower than retail as they don't want to loose sales on that account.

where there is a will there's is a way. I got mine programmed at my physical therapy center. They use bioness there and can program them.
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Re: Bioness personal warning

Post by ElliotB »

"Bioness obviously doesn't want people selling their used units for lower than retail as they don't want to loose sales on that account."

That may be part of it, but that is not the only reason and probably not the main reason as people that really need this device should buy from an authorized dealer - so the unit can be properly sized, set up correctly and custom programmed, plus they will have a warranty on the new unit. Everyone's need are different.

As this is a serious medical device that needs to be customized in numerous ways to the user and can cause users harm if not setup or used correctly. This is probably a device that should not be bought used.
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Re: Bioness personal warning

Post by Tippy »

I am the person selling the electrodes. I turned in my L300 for the Bioness L300 GO. It may not solve all issues, but it certainly helps with the foot drop, and it allows me to use any type of shoe or go barefoot. It allows me to contra dance every Saturday evening, something I would hate to give up.
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