Dr. Coimbra Protocol

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

Yes, it definitely is.

But the products seem to be unique and may have unique health benefits. They are readily available on Amazon and elsewhere on the web.

I have just started cheeking them out. They are certainly not cheap but I am finding this is the case for many unique non MLM health products. I just started to take a couple of new (to me) probiotic products that are much more expensive than typical products I have been taking. BUT they contain unique strains. Don't know if they are any better. Don't know if this product is any good either.

I take a lot (that is an understatement) of supplements and cannot say there is any single one that has made me feel any different in any way.

Thanks for the heads up, very much appreciated!
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

Transfer factors are much less expensive from Source Naturals.

Colostrum Transfer Factors

There are also a variety of colostrum products available.

https://www.vitacost.com/productResults ... =colostrum

Still, what is the hypothesis suggesting that such a product might be beneficial for MS?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

Thanks, very much appreciated. Much more affordable!! I will order some the next time they have a 20% off sale as they regularly do. I always appreciate you posting when they have them!

"Still, what is the hypothesis suggesting that such a product might be beneficial for MS?"

I don't know that I have ever seen a supplement making that kind of claim, have you?

In any case, since the supplement industry is for the most part unregulated, even a company made that claim they would not have to substantiate it.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

ElliotB wrote: Sun Nov 17, 2019 4:30 pm"Still, what is the hypothesis suggesting that such a product might be beneficial for MS?"

I don't know that I have ever seen a supplement making that kind of claim, have you?

In any case, since the supplement industry is for the most part unregulated, even a company made that claim they would not have to substantiate it.
No, I wasn't suggesting the supplement company was making such a claim. If they did, such a claim would be illegal.

I was asking why you or Kittie thought it might be beneficial. It seemed as though her doctor Michael Cawley was recommending the colostrum supplement.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Yes he was recommending it to all his patients. Michael Cawley has tried other makes of colostrum which he did not recommend. Only this one which has helped him tremendously with energy. It is the only one that he recommends.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

According to available info from one of the manufacturers (4Life Brand):

Transfer Factor:

Educates, enhances, and balances the immune system with the exclusive Tri-Factor Formula
Boosts Natural Killer cell production a proven 283%
Contains UltraFactor XF, OvoFactor, and NanoFactor extract for the highest amount of 4Life Transfer Factor per serving – 600 milligrams
This product contains ingredients made by the immune system for the immune system. The messenger molecules found in 4Life Transfer Factor Tri-Factor Formula help educate immune cells and support the immune system’s ability to more effectively recognize, respond to, and remember potential health threats.

Interestingly the Source Naturals product you recommended is only 125mg per serving (capsule) and the 4Life Transfer Factor brand is 600mg per serving (300mg per capsule) so it actually works out less expensive (4Life Brand) BUT their formulation is different and contains more than just the Transfer Factor molecules.

Source Naturals claims:
Supports Immune System Response
Low molecular weight fraction of bovine colostrum
Transfer factors are chemical messengers that enhance immune system response
Gluten free
Corn free

Why take it? Why not! You never know... It could help and likely won't hurt. Why not take a supplement that may 'boost your immune system and help fight diseases'.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

There's been some prior discussion of colostrum on the forums. Not much is definitive. One person reported that it made them feel worse.

search.php?keywords=colostrum&terms=all ... mit=Search
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

First of all Michael Cawley is not a Coimbra Protocol Doctor any more. Although he was trained under the Coimbra Protocol, and actually by Dr. Coimbra himself, which stopped his MS from progressing, he found lots of his patients couldn't handle the large doses of D3. He brought in detox and other things that helped his patients but it wasn't accepted under the protocol. I started on the protocol with Michael and stayed with him in the transfer to a new group. He has been a nutritionist many years and has his own MS under control but is looking all the time at other things that might help people. He has found these 4life transfer factors give him tremendous amounts of energy tested in his swims in a large olympic swimming pool. He started on Transfer Factor Plus which his body accepted but it was far too strong for me giving sickness, upset stomachs and odd pains in my head. When he stopped taking the plus he could not do as many lengths without being out of breath and stopping. He realised we should have started on the Classic and also Glutamine and take it slower. On three Classic after three days he felt very depressed but on one capsule he felt brilliant. It all depends on the person. More interesting than that after taking one capsule of Classic and Glutamine two twice a day he swam the whole 1000 mtrs without stopping. On the plus capsules he could do it in two parts. On no transfer factors he had to stop every 200 mtrs. But on the one Classic he did the whole 1,000 mtrs.
I started the Classic and Glutamine on 12th November and will keep you informed how I get on. When I took the Plus it gave me intermittent head pain that came and went quickly, sickly feeling in my stomach horrendous smell from wind and tummy ach. Since taking 4life Classic and Glutamine my tummy has calmed down. Oddly enough there was no diarhhoea. I got the odd pain about once a day but since then nothing. I am feeling great. You can get flu like symptoms initially too.
Michael Cawley also got me taking D3 again. It was cutting out potatoes, bread and rice that worked like magic. This brought my glucose blood figure down quickly and my calcium levels have dropped even taking 20,000iu D3. Yesterday after talking to Michael I started 31,000iu D3 made up of 26K Life Extension and 5K Biotech D3. Also back on Magtein today.
I look forward to the future, together we can figure this out!
I would again stress that Michael tried many colostrum products but they never did anything like the 4life transfer factors.
I still use my grounding sheet and mat, I still take TRS which has always made me feel good and now the 4life transfer factors. Obviously I still take Magnesium, Super DHA fish oil etc. etc.
I will just add that one lady with MS got a lot of energy and balance back in less than one month taking the 4life Classic Transfer Factors Classic and Glutamine. There seems to be a set process in taking these transfer factors and bringing in the Tri Factor the second month.
Onwards and upwards,

Onwards and upwards,
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

4life Transfer Factors has what seems to be a very impressive and comprehensive propitiatory formulation. It is likely the one I am going to use.

Please let us know how you do on it.

(I have already been taking Glutamine, actually for quite some time. It is an interesting supplement and makes sense based on what I have read about it that it should be taken with any Transfer Factor product.)
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Well here I am again after trying the Transfer Factor Classic and Glutamine. Odd aches and pains, some lower tummy aches occasionally, pains round left ear, stiff bad hand and palpitations at night time till Saturday, 16th Nov. when I had had a good day. At 8pm I took one Classic and within 20 mins . anxiety, palpitations and a thick head at temple. Lasted about an hour.

Glicose blood test on 17th Nov. it was 5.6 which is brilliant!

Tuesday, 19th Nov. pain in right ear glands and at 5pm palpitations. Anxious heart even at bedtime. It goes away when I go to sleep. 22nd Nov. no energy so I cut out Glutamine. On 23rd both hands had numb thumbs and fingers?? Dropped down to two on 24th Nov. 25th a day off.Tuesday 26th Nov. 2.25pm Glutamine and got fuzzy head, 3pm one Classic 4.30pm right fingers stiff. 27th and 28th Nov. No Transfer Factors. 29th and 30th I took one Classic morning and again afternoon. Heart working overtime evening and bedtime. Michael Cawley said I should take just one a day and see what happens. Monday 2nd December I took one Classic at 12noon. In the afternoon my stomach felt sickly, I had a hot fuzzy thick head but nothing worse. Tuesday, 3rd Dec. my bad hand felt more relaxed when I woke up but thought nothing of it. Wednesday, 4th Dec. my hand was even better and when we went a little walk my legs were stronger, even my husband mentioned it! During Wed., Thurs. and today Friday I have had fine little pains in my left breast, intermittently, I had a lumpectomy 2006.
It was months ago that my hand felt as good as this and it has stayed with me. We will see. As long as the palpitations don't come back I will continue for a week and try to up the dose to two per day. My stomach still isn't right and for someone who never had many problems with her stomach I am surprised. The representative for 4life Transfer Factors has recommended I take their own Pre/o probiotics as they recommend this to get to the lower bowel area guaranteed! Feeling good at the moment. Also Glutamine back in.

Onwards and upwards,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

There are many supplements thought to improve energy, Ribose is a common one. There are numerous others. I suggest you give it a try.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Thanks Elliot, I will give it a try.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

After last posting I brought glutamine back in just one a day. MC asked me to up the D3 to 30,000iu a day too. This made my MS worse. Hand not as good. Leg even dragging. Took out Glutamine, no difference, back to 20K and felt much better. More energy. Now, 8th December, on 20K D3 and one Classic. 9th December, hand better today, feel good. I am still taking Theralac during all this, alternate days, as stomach still producing a lot of awful smelling gas. No Classic Tuesday and Wednesday as sickly stomach seemed worse and not 100%. I didn't eat some meals and off food. Just soups and lots of water. The gas smell was awful, worse than usual. I have never had this problem before. This was the 10th and on the evening of 11th Dec. I felt hungry! On the morning of 12th Dec. I woke up awake and alive! I felt much better! I decided to bring Glutamine back in and took it at 4.30pm in the afternoon. Was that a tummy bug or what they call 'die off'? Poo today and no smell! Friday, 13th December, no energy again! Head not right at all in the afternoon. Everything took a long time to do and I felt depressed a little. This is definately not me!!!. I had taken my Classic and Glutamine together at 11.45am.
That was it! No Glutamine!
Saturday, 14th December, yesterday, I had a good day and felt much better, my head was clear and everything looked different, weird. Definately the Glutamine. Hand also much better, really relaxed. I text Michael Cawley and he said to leave Glutamine out as it wasn't for me. This is where we all have the problem. We are all so different. You really have to test these things out and see how it affects you. What suits some doesn't suit others. Last night I started the 4life Pre/0 probiotic at bedtime. I still take my TRS at bedtime too.
Today, Sunday, 15th December, I still feel good. Hand relaxed when I wake up and much more open to type. Poo this morning and no smell. This horrible smelling gas has been with me since starting on the 4life Transfer Factors. Very embarrassing, but hoping we are reaching the end now. Fingers crossed.

To all my MS warriors,
Onwards and upwards,
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi everybody!
The Pre/0 gave me horrendous wind for the fortnight I was on them. I have been taking Theralac again and I think getting back to normal. Whether it cleared something out I do not know.
I have been on a pretty even keel with my body feeling more relaxed and my hand still quite loose. I have stopped the 4Life Classic and tried their Tri-Factor which seems to suit me better. Taking two a day and today brought Glutamine in again to just try.
I can now lift my right foot up in bed while lying on my back. For years I could not lift this up under the weight of the duvet.
This has stayed with me. This also means my dropped foot has got better than it was! I still take the TRS every night and use my grounding sheet.
I have been decorating the last month and now have picked up a virus. It has not gone yet but on its way out.
Next thing to keep away from is the Coronavirus!!!

Onwards and upwards,
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi again, I have some great news!!
I have bought Tao Patches which are expensive but last for 2 1/2 yrs. A friend had remarkable results and I stood back because the price and all the cost again. When I saw his video I bought a set of three patches. They are placed on acupuncture points and turn body heat into light. Light Therapy using the acupuncture points. This was invented 7 years ago in Italy and recently they have ventured into the USA and selling on a site called Indiegogo. Special offers on the START which was designed for MS. They are offering cheaper patches at the moment because they have made a stronger patch the PRO.

It was found it helped people with MS quite by accident. The START worked for me as I had to video my walk before and after 15 mins. of using the patches on two places for MS. The difference was startling and I had better balance, strength in walking. It was noticeably better!!! I have been on them for a month now and slowly getting more help. It almost seems to have aligned my body right so it stands properly. There is a Group called Light Therapy and MS. There are loads of people getting help ftrom this. I was so pleased with my result that I have ordered the new PRO to see if it makes any difference but the START was the one used for MS. Not everyone who uses this gets the result straight away like me but I have seen people persevere AND GET RESULTS. When we go for a walk my husband says I don't hang on him as much as I used to. It made his arm ache.

Life is good and I have the inclination to do things and the energy to carry them out. I have some really strong days but it is a little up and down but never goes back to how it was before the patches. This lasts while the patches are on and you have to work up to 24/7. There is some brain memory after taking them off but who knows what could happen. I am thrilled and if I get no more help I am so pleased the difference this has made to my life!!!!!!!!!

Elliot you have to try this!! And no drugs!!!!

Onwards and Upwards,
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