L-carnitine - possible downside

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Re: L-carnitine - possible downside

Post by Jaded »

Thanks NHE

Apologies that it has taken me a while to come back and update the forum.

I ended up going to accident and emergency after a couple of very bad bouts of tight chest and feeling like I had been kicked in the tummy. I thought I might be having a heart attack as crazy as it sounds..

They said they didn't think it was my heart - suggested further investigation (privately!) and gave me naproxen and lansoprazole to protect my stomach from the naproxen.

I thought about what had happened and realised that it got worse after eating. I then remembered some symptoms my mum had recounted to me - it was caused by a hiatus hernia. I knew I had the same hernia but had no symptoms until now.

I fell quite badly onto my front in early Feb and am still hurting on my left chest wall. Perhaps there was some impact on my diaphragm. I don't know. All I can say is that after taking the lanspprozole (not the naproxen) I am feeling better.

I am doing some hiatus hernia stretches and massages. Hopefully I can stop the meds at some point.

Thanks for all your help and info here and privately. You are all fabulous :)

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Re: L-carnitine - possible downside

Post by Scott1 »

I found most grains (except rice) gave me terrible indigestion, so now I only eat food containing them very sparingly. I substitute vegetables or fruit in the place of the typical products that are made from grains. Since doing that, I feel quite normal after mealtimes, which is great relief.

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Re: L-carnitine - possible downside

Post by Jaded »

Thanks Scott1
I shall make a note of that. Haven’t risked not taking the lansoprazole as yet!

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