Healing with Limes

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Healing with Limes

Post by ElliotB »

Just discovered this very informative video about the healing benefits of limes. I have been consuming both lemon and lime juice daily for several years now, so I was please to find this video and decided to share it here. I don't know exactly how it is helping me with regards to MS, but one major benefit I found early on was that the buildup of plaque on my teeth was significantly reduced within months. I have always had significant plaque buildup on the interior side of my lower teeth, until I began having lemon and lime citrus daily. I am assuming that the balance between acidity and alkalinity in my body changed thus causing this improvement. According to the authors of this video, lime can help with Mylin repair.

I follow this channel on YouTube. They have many excellent videos available and release new ones regularly.

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Re: Healing with Limes

Post by vesta »

Thanks. Great info and reference.
Best, Vesta
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Re: Healing with Limes

Post by NHE »

Contrary to the video presentation, I had a different experience with lemon juice. The video claims that lemon juice will help dissolve a kidney stone. However, many years ago I had a kidney stone and found similar information on the net. I bought a bagful of lemons. I drank a glass of fresh squeezed lemon juice every day. After 3 or 4 days I woke up with my esophagus feeling raw and burnt. It was from all the acid in the lemon juice. I immediately stopped drinking the juice. Anyways, it didn't do anything to the stone. It rattled around in my bladder for another two months before it passed.
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Re: Healing with Limes

Post by ElliotB »

The most important and interesting aspect of this presentation IMHO is the effect limes have on nerves and even more interesting Mylin.

I leave nothing to chance - I consume several tablespoons of both lemon juice and key lime juice on a daily basis, and have been for several years. I also take several citrus based supplements. I was unaware of all these wonderful health benefits from citrus until watching this video recently. I add the citrus to a probiotic beverage I carbonate and drink several times a day for flavor purposes only (I recently posted information of the benefits of drinking carbonated drinks, NOT SODA of course which is loaded with sugar). I was pleased to find out about all these health benefits!

BUT be careful in what and how much you consume. For example, modern orange juice is basically sugar water and has about as much sugar in a serving than soda.

I do not use fresh lemons or key limes, which I would imagine would have more health benefits over the powder, fresh squeezed (likely pasteurized) and reconstituted citrus I have been consuming. I do consume regular lemon juice from powder, key lime juice (from concentrate) from Key West, FL and Volcano lemon juice from Italy daily (fresh pressed but likely pasteurized).

For anyone who doubts the possible health benefits of these and other citrus products available (I also take citrus bergemot in capsule form daily, a citrus Bioflavonoid complex also in capsule form and some other citrus based supplements), read up on scurvy.

By the way, if you have never enjoyed key lime juice, try it! You will be pleasantly surprised at its unique and delicious flavor. But like other tart citrus fruits, mix it with another beverage you enjoy to 'dilute' it. Drinking lemon or lime juice on its own is not easy to do. Key limes are a bit sweeter than regular limes but still are most enjoyable when added to another beverage. A small amount goes a long way and adds a refreshing, very delicious flavor to many beverages, including teas and other fruit drinks.
Last edited by ElliotB on Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Healing with Limes

Post by ElliotB »

I have now added another citrus supplement to my regimen, Naringin. I also have been taking Hesperidin for a couple of years which is also of Citrus origin. I am contently finding new supplements to try through research and videos like this with the hope I get additional improvement.

I find this YouTube channel to be extremely informative.

How did we ever survive without Google!

Naringin is a flavanone found in citrus fruits, particularly grapefruit. It belongs to the flavonoid group of polyphenols and serves as the predominant flavonone in grapefruit. Here are some key points about naringin:

Source: Naringin is naturally present in citrus fruits, with fresh grapefruit juice being one of the best natural sources. It contributes to the bitter taste of grapefruit.
Biological Activities:
Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Naringin has demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects.
Antioxidant Activity: It contains powerful antioxidants that help protect the body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Skin Healing: Naringin may contribute to skin healing processes12.
Health Benefits:
Stomach Protection: Preliminary studies suggest that naringin may help protect the stomach lining from damage due to stress, ulcers, or alcohol.
Heart Disease Risk Reduction: Taking naringin extract supplements may help reduce symptoms associated with heart disease risk factors such as diabetes, obesity, and high cholesterol.
In summary, naringin offers several health benefits and is commonly found in citrus fruits, especially grapefruit. Its antioxidant properties and potential protective effects make it an interesting compound to explore further!
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