THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazing!

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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain-amazing

Post by ElliotB »

For the past week and a half, I have been walking without my Extern foot drop brace. The Accelera device has allowed me to strengthen my muscles over the past few months which were causing my drop foot in my left leg. And to be able to lift my entire leg higher and with less effort. I did a 'test' short walk without the brace which was surprisingly successful. I have not used the brace once since and don't plan on going back to it. Hopefully my muscles will continue to strengthen.

While I cannot walk quickly without the brace, I can walk reasonably well at a reasonable pace without tripping. In fact, I have not tripped once in the past week and a half since I began walking without my brace. My foot drop has been almost totally eliminated! I still have a long way to go to get my leg much stronger, but it is so nice not to have to use the brace! I have been using a leg brace (I tried several different ones) for about 2-3 years.

I am confident with continued walking without a brace, additional exercise and the Accelera device, my muscles will continue to strengthen so I can walk somewhat 'normally' again sometime in the future. Frankly, I never thought what I am achieving now would ever happen. I am so thankful to have found this device. It has changed my life in so many ways for the better, in ways I never thought possible based on my decline. It was my understanding until now that typically disability cannot be reversed. Obviously I was wrong, thankfully. And not only am I thrilled with how much I have improve, but also how quickly I have improved as well.
Last edited by ElliotB on Sat Mar 09, 2024 3:37 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by Jaded »

Hi ElliotB

This is great news.

I emailed them in the week asking when they might ship to the UK but no reply as yet.

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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »


It is my understanding that due to federal regulations and licensing they cannot ship outside of the USA.

Did you email Angela? I have been communicating with Angela for months and her email is

She usually responds within a day or two.

At this point, check and see if you can download their APP to your phone, because there can also be restrictions on its availability. If you cannot get the APP loaded to your iPhone, you will not be able to use device. Please let me know.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

Two weeks ago, I followed in my brother's footsteps and decided to wear a 2nd Accelera device, wearing this one on my right leg.

The result? Unlike my brother, my mobility did not increase at all. BUT thankfully my pain level dropped by a tremendous amount in both intensity and frequency (my nerve pain comes and goes for hours at a time randomly throughout the day). It has now been two weeks since I began wearing a 2nd Accelera and my pain level and frequency of pain episodes continues to be very, very low, most of the time, many, many days with minimal or actually almost no pain during the day. Doing a lot better at night too, sleeping a lot better as well because my pain is often low enough that I can sleep through some of the episodes. FWIW, the pain relief began immediately after I started wearing the 2nd device.

For many who have neuropathy, nerve pain seems to be worse at night and mine definitely is, but the level of pain has declined tremendously and it is at a much lower level during the evening and throughout the night compared to the time prior to me wearing the 2nd device.

Just a reminder that Accelera does not promote the device for pain reduction, but according to many users it apparently excels in relieving pain - many users have reported significant relief, including my brother's relative and now me.

I noticed that when I remove the Accelera on my right leg for about 15 minutes or longer (for charging) my pain slowly comes back, so I decided to get a 3rd Accelera so I would be able to avoid any time whatsoever without wearing an Accelera (as my intention is always to have one fully charged and ready for immediate use when one I am wearings needs charging) hoping for better pain control. I just received it today and will report on my findings in a week or two.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by Jaded »

Glad to hear ElliotB

I don't have the app on my iphone so have not emailed the contact you gave here.

Hope it comes over here soon though
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »


You should check the Apple store to see if you can download the app in your area.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

It has been about two weeks since I started wearing a 2nd Accelera device. I am happy to say my pain level has remained much lower.

My brother decided to order and wear two more Accelera devices. He has been wearing 4 for about a week, 2 on each leg (different positions, one at the ankle, and one just below the knee) and he feels he is getting even more improvements in his walking ability.

I asked Angela at Accelera about wearing multiple devices and Angela told me that numerous users have tried this and are reporting good results, similar to my brother's results and mine. Although I have only been wearing 2, since I now have 3, I plan on experimenting by wearing three, trying different locations including my wrists, to see if I can experience any further improvements. I will post an update on my results after my testing is complete.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by Jaded »

Hi ElliotB

I checked and the app isn't available in the UK

I am slightly worried that you are wanting to wear more devices.

What is the science for this?
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

Sorry to hear that you cannot download the APP. Hopefully in the future you will be able to.

As far as wearing multiple devices, there is no science. They have not yet done any studies, yet. But according to the Accelera company, many users who have decided to experiment with the wearing of multiple devices are having very positive experiences. While I was aware that the APP supported up to 4 devices being worn simultaneously, the thought never crossed my mind to wear more than one because I was getting such great results. And Accelera never discussed or even mentioned this option with me.

My brother has issues with both legs, so he decided to order two devices and wear them both with the hope of improvement in both legs. Which thankfully he did. Interestingly, while wearing only one on his weaker leg, also his left leg, he only had fair results. BUT, when he put the 2nd one on high right leg, things changed significantly for the better for both his right and left left. When he shared his experience with me, it was only at that point that I decided to wear the 2nd one that I already had. And I am so glad I did. The improvement has been a life changing experience for me (no additional mobility improvement but an incredible reduction in my nerve pain reduction).

My brother is now experimenting with wearing 4 at the same time. He thinks he has had additional improvement, but it is too soon to know for sure since he only just received the additional two devices earlier this week.

There are no concerns what-so-ever with wearing multiple devices as there is absolutely no downside to wearing many of them. There are no side effects of any kind. So, it makes sense to experiment. Had I not tried the 2nd one, I would not have discovered the tremendous additional benefit I experienced.

Since our nervous system is a very complex network, I am going to try wearing a third Accelera device on different parts of my arms and legs in the near future. I did already try adding the third one to my right leg briefly, just below the knee. I did not notice any additional benefit. As I mentioned, my brother had only minimal benefits wearing one, but has experienced a huge improvement to both legs by wearing two. Like me, he is thrilled and truly is walking much, much better.

Please keep in mind that nerve damage will vary from person to person, and I am guessing that a bit of experimentation with the wearing of the device(s) and the number of device to actually use could be a good idea. I know for me, had I not decided to try wearing a 2nd device, I would never of know just how much pain relief I would have missed out on. My brother has also benefitted tremendously from experimenting.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

I thought I would mention a fascinating experience I encountered with the Accelera device last week.

I wear one device on my left leg to help me with my walking (my left leg is weak) and I wear the other Accelera on my right leg to control my pain. Last weekend for some reason I experienced non-stop minor pain for several days. Very annoying. So I decided to increase the setting to level 35 instead of 18. The Accelera can be set from 1-100. You really don't feel any difference at the different levels, low or high. I have my left leg set at 15 which seems to work fine for me. And increasing the level on my left leg does not improve anything, even if I set it at 100. Amazingly, my pain level, duration and frequency changed dramatically for the better shortly after I made the adjustment and has remained good for the past few days.

My brother finds that he gets improved results with his walking when he increases the levels of his Accelera devices. He usually turns them up in the afternoon when his muscles are a bit more tired. As I mentioned, I get absolutely no benefit by increasing the level of the one I wear on my left leg. So, experimentation is necessary to 'tweak' and fine tune individual results.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

I continue to enjoy very good results with the Accelera.

Earlier this week. I once again experience mild nonstop mild pain for several days. So, I increase the Accelera setting to 50 a couple of days ago, from the 35 setting that I had done several weeks ago. And once again, I noticed prompt improvement. I have had a couple of days of the lowest pain level ever, with long periods of time that were totally pain free.

I plan on doing additional experimenting with the device to see if I can have even better results. I am still focused on being totally pain free at some point in the future.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by vesta »

ElliotB wrote: Fri Apr 19, 2024 4:08 pm I continue to enjoy very good results with the Accelera.

Earlier this week. I once again experience mild nonstop mild pain for several days. So, I increase the Accelera setting to 50 a couple of days ago, from the 35 setting that I had done several weeks ago. And once again, I noticed prompt improvement. I have had a couple of days of the lowest pain level ever, with long periods of time that were totally pain free.

I plan on doing additional experimenting with the device to see if I can have even better results. I am still focused on being totally pain free at some point in the future.
Interesting. Over 40 years ago my Chinese Acupuncture Dr told me the Gall Bladder meridian which starts at the outer eye to descend to the outer 4th toe was crucial in treating MS, in particular GB 34 at the outer knee. When I use the TENS that point stimulates the drop foot. Check out Yin Yang House Site to locate the meridien and see if that info will help place your device. Obviously wearing a device to allow ongoing stimulation should be effective. GB30 on the outer butt relieves pelvic tension. (Another critical point on the shoulder GB20 opens blood flow from the head.) It sounds like I would need 2 devices one for each leg? Good information, thank you.
Regards, Vesta
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

The Accelera device is a totally new, state-of-the-art and unique technology that differs completely from tens units and acupuncture. Placement is not critical. Most people wear the device on their lower legs just above their ankles and experience excellent results. As do I.

I have tried tens units and acupuncture in the past with no success. I have tried Lyrica with absolutely no benefit. I continue to have tremendous success with the Accelera devices with both my ability to walk better (I have not worn my foot brace for several months as it is no longer necessary) and most of the time now my pain level is at or near zero. At night I am not doing as well as during the day (which is typical of nerve pain), yet my pain level is still significantly better at night than it used to be just a few short months ago and it continues to improve. So, I am sleeping better and longer.

For the first time in many, many years, I am enjoying numerous pain free periods of time lasting many hours during the day and evening too. Until recently, I was lucky if I got 2 hours straight of sleep. Now I am often sleeping for 3 to 3 1/2 hours at a time.
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by Jaded »

I gave up giving up hope and emailed Angela. I am really interested in the improvements in your foot drop.

She replied to say that there are no plans to distribute to UK but will let me know. She also said users in the US wear their devices outside the US so it can be used elsewhere. I asked about the app and am waiting for a reply.

Here's hoping
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Re: THE WORLD'S FIRST WEARABLE STOCHASTIC RESONANCE DEVICE is helping me walk better & greatly reducing my pain - amazin

Post by ElliotB »

Interesting, no amount of stretching and exercise helped me in years past in dealing with my drop foot - I had been wearing a 'typical' brace for years. I had actually given up. Yet within months of wearing the Accelera, I had major improvements, and my drop foot has been 98% eliminated. The Accelera allowed my muscles to strengthen quickly which was a huge surprise to me. Prior to using the Accelera, I could not even lift my toes up of the floor or the ball of my foot. Both the ball of my foot and toes felt 'glued' to the floor. But not anymore!!!

I hope you can figure a way to get the device!
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