Hives, copaxone

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Hives, copaxone

Post by jana »

Hello, I searched and the topic hives was already discussed, but though I´m askink. Did anybody have hives? I have terrible hives for 14 days (now I ´m hospitalized on cortizone cure, which helps, but when it stops, it appears again). I use copaxone 1 year and had no problems so far, but my neuro said, she couldn´t separete out the copaxone like a reason of hives. That´s why I don´t continue with copaxone now (for a week I didn´t inject it), but the hives doesn´t go away.

Should I continue with copaxone, or not? Could it be the cause? The doctor say, that it would be very unusual to have an alergic reaction after 1 year of useing.

To be sincere, I have the only wish now, get out of hives no matter how!
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Post by kebsa »

it may be unusual to have a an allergic reaction after taking a edication for a long time but it certainly does happen. I was on copaxone for about 5 months and had had virtually no side effects at all, i chose copaxanoe as it seemed to avoid the flu like symptoms- One day i was giving myself a my shot and i had a massive anaphylactic reaction- i still had the syringe in my hand and yet my face was so swollen i could barely breathe! Thankfully an ambulance was called and i was treated for the allergy ( epipen) but that was the last time i have ever used copaxone- i had not had nay hint of allergic reaction until that day. Now i am on betaferon injections and diid have the flu like side effects to begin with but they did not last long, now i only get some redness at injection sites that takes a few days to go so my ambdomen is always a bit blotchy but i have been on this medication since early 2005
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Post by Loriyas »

I've been on Copaxone about 4 years. Last year I had hives off and on. They were huge welts, not particularly itchy. I could not figure out what as causing them as I was taking nothing new. I also had swelling of the eyes and lips that would come and go.

I no longer have either. But I also no longer take Neurontin or Topamax. Now I suspect the cause was from one of these medications, or perhaps from another one that I haven't thought of or maybe a combination. Are you taking other medications that might be the cause? I think you have to go through a trial and error period to discover the cause. It could be the Copaxone or it could be some other med.

BTW, my doctor gave me an Epi-Pen as a precaution, in case I, too, had an anaphylactic reaction. Never needed it but it is probably wise to have one until you figure out what is causing this.
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Post by whyRwehere »

My husband had reactions too often..uncontrollable shivers, the chest thing and then the hives...he stopped the copaxone, as that was definately the cause.
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