Leaving a Job???

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Leaving a Job???

Post by LiquidSkin »

Would you leave a job, that is recession proof(I live in US) , for a job that may not be recession proof and pays over double what you currently make?
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Post by catfreak »

I am losing my job Friday due to cutbacks. I work in the mortgage industry and it has been hit hard by all that is happening. The wrong doing of a few have caused chaos for so many. I was not involved in any subprime lending.

I have come to terms with my loss and would love to find a job in a recession proof industry. Even if it meant less money. Believe me stability and benefits count for a lot.

Is this your dream job or is it just the about the money?

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Post by LiquidSkin »

Neither are my dream job,

But my current job, has announce no raise and no promotions til 2010 cause of the economy
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Post by AllyB »

Whew, a tough one!
In the present economic climate, I think that anyone is lucky to have a job, and if it is secure, doubly lucky. I dont personally feel this is the right time to make a job change when you will be moving to a less secure position, sure the money is great, but you wont have an income at all if you are laid-off from the new position...I know change is good and taking a risk can pay off, but maybe now is not the right time to go out on a limb...Should also ask - can you handle a retrenchment, do you have support in your family, are you the breadwinner, can you carry your financial obligations for a while if you have no job...if you can get by for a while if you are retrenched and can carry on til you find another job, maybe you can make the switch...but if losing your job would be a disaster, then now is not the time to change jobs...
Just my 2 cents worth, opinion only, hope it works out for you, difficult situation to be in...
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Post by Loobie »

I would baton down the hatches and hunker in your bunker if your job is recession proof. Many of us would kill to have that tag attached to our job. Now I say this coming from a place where my job has absolutely no 'recession proof' to it. So in my seat - I'm jealous. I would leave the shiny stuff behind the glass until the world find's its' financial footing.
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Post by MrsGeorge »

I would think twice. Although more money would make life sweeter in the short term, more security in the long term is worth holding onto. I am in a contractor position at the moment and it terrifies me that I am so vulnerable. I am trying to get into a perm, recession-proof job asap!

Ultimately you need to weigh up the pros and cons of each side and talk about it with the people in your life and hopefully come up with the decision that's right for yo! Good luck making the decision!
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insufficient data

Post by notasperfectasyou »

Need to know more.

Will the new job require a move or other investment of time, energy and money? Will you move to a place with a higher cost of living? A better economy? Would you have to sell your house? Pay more rent?

What is the industry of old/new jobs? Is the new pay based on something variable like a commission?

Which job do you genuinely have passion about?

Are you near a possible promotion in "old" job?

What happened to the person who had "new" job before you? Did they get fired? Quit?

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Go for it

Post by seeker »

Tough call, but if the new job is something you're jazzed about, I'd go for it. I am of the mind that we must continue to take risks, pursue our passions, despite our conditions.

Having said that, I was laid off from a very high paying job that was a pleasure to go to every day just this week. It's nasty out there...
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Post by LiquidSkin »

The new job doesnt require any new energy, just different hours, same town its a new company moving into the area, I live in a weird recession proof town I would say or at least if you know were to look, we are the closest town to a military base in which everyone returns and goes to Iraq, so lot soldiers with cash to spend, keeps the town in a nice stable small town ecomony that is growing in this recession
I am not passioniate about either, I have no insurance, inturn seeing no doctors

They have been promising me a promotion for about half a year, and we received an email from the big boss, saying no Promotions til the end of 2009 so I wont be up for a promotion or more money (no raises til end of 09 too) til 2010 maybe. meaning to be promoted someone has to die or retire
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Post by MrsGeorge »

the new job come with insurance?
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