I need a pair of glasses but I cannot adopt them

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I need a pair of glasses but I cannot adopt them

Post by dibidibi »


I have been diagnosed MS 14 years ago and using betaseron for 13 years. One of my first attacks was from my right eye and at first minute I lost 70% vision in my right eye, then it recovered upto 10% loss. Still my right eye is not as good as the left one but it is really hard to say that it has a persistent problem.

Anyhow, at the first years of my MS I also needed eyeglasses for far vision, got a prescription but they disturbed me so much that at the end I decided to live without glasses meaning low quality vision but a better quality life. But now I’m 42 years old. I need those glasses, again got a prescription and again same problems begin. For a better vision I need glasses but when I wear them although I see more clearly other problems begin. Plainly I explain it as “I’m not comfortable with glasses”. But this is not something physical they do not give pain to my nose or somewhere else, they only disturb my eyes. Really I cannot tell anything tangible to describe the situation.

The most reasonable description that I could find up to now: I have a minor diplopia especially in far distance. I thing without glasses I see things blurry so the diplopia does not disturb me but when I wear the glasses and things get clear my diplopia disturbs me.

My optician says that I got the right glasses (he decreased the numbers as much as he can), getting something with a smaller number will mean putting on plain glasses and naturally will not increase my vision quality. And also he also refuses to give me a prism glass as my diplopia is really small and effective only in far view. He says that most probably the best way would be waiting for a few months and after that time if my eyes still refuse glasses it might be better for me to continue without glasses.

I’m sure that there must be someone else here who experienced similar problems. I would be really happy to hear how they overcame this problem. Would some eye exercises or something like that help?

Sorry for writing so long, thanks for reading. Hope to hear from you as soon as possible
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Re: I need a pair of glasses but I cannot adopt them

Post by Loriyas »

I think you should go see an opthamologist
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Re: I need a pair of glasses but I cannot adopt them

Post by ElliotB »

Don't give up hope. It could clear up. My vision issues have finally taken a turn for the better.- Aside from a very, very strict diet, I do eye exercises almost every day. I can't say exactly what has caused my vision to improve, just that it has. I have had continuous issues for about 1 1/2 years and recognized that I have experienced intermittent issues when tired at night similar to yous for 5-10 years but as of about 2 weeks ago, things started to improve (at least that is when I noticed it). The numerous problems I have experienced have pretty much corrected themselves.
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Re: I need a pair of glasses but I cannot adopt them

Post by lyndacarol »

Hello, dibidibi.

Your vision problem may not be related to your MS diagnosis at all.

From page 50 in the book, Could It Be B12? An Epidemic of Misdiagnoses by Sally Pacholok, RN, BSN, and Jeffrey Stuart, D.O.:
And because B12 deficiency affects all of the nerves, it can also affect the nerves of the eye and lead to reduced vision or even blindness.… If failing eyesight stems from B12 deficiency, it's likely to be attributed to age, macular degeneration, or diabetic eye damage.
A B12 deficiency is just one possible cause. Your doctor can order blood tests to rule out this possibility.
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