Dr. Coimbra Protocol

A forum to discuss the Coimbra Protocol which uses high-dose vitamin D3 to treat multiple sclerosis.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

Kittie wrote:I wonder what they mean by pretty low mercury levels?
The test was done using the protocol from Doctor's Data. It utilized the chelation agent 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). It's one of the few FDA approved chelation agents. The use of a chelation agent with a toxic metals urinalysis is controversial as it spikes the recorded values which are then plotted on a chart comparing them to a "normal" population that was tested WITHOUT the chelation agent. This invalid comparison makes the values seem very high and some naturopaths use this as a scare tactic to sell expensive detox protocols. Even their report states that the values are plotted against a nonchelated population but many folks might not pick up on the significance of this.
  • "Reference intervals and corresponding graphs are representative of a healthy population under non-provoked conditions. Chelation (provocation) agents can increase urinary excretion of metals/elements."

Oh, "pretty low" means that even with DMSA chelation my mercury values were still well within the green zone, i.e., within one standard deviation and were not elevated as they were lower than the reference interval.

Here's a sample report.
https://www.doctorsdata.com/resources/u ... t%20UT.PDF

The Quackwatch website had a big article about this which has been removed subsequent to a lawsuit filed by Doctor's Data.
Kittie wrote:Did they test you when you started on the protocol?
I'm not doing the Coimbra Protocol at this time. I take just 2000 IU/day with dinner and sometimes I take an extra 1000 IU as a sublingual tablet. Even at that low dosage I had problems with magnesium depletion and rather painful leg cramps.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

NHE wrote:The test was done using the protocol from Doctor's Data. It utilized the chelation agent 2,3-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA). It's one of the few FDA approved chelation agents.
The one interesting result from the test was that the DMSA pulled out gadolinium even though it had been 10 years since my last MRI with gadolinium contrast. During a more recent MRI, the tech said that all forms of gadolinium dechelate to some extent and get sequestered into the body's tissues. Indeed, there have been published reports of what looked like enhancing lesions, but which were detected even without the use of contrast.

Here are some links with relevant discussion and references.

My next MRI will be sans gadolinium, "Just say no."
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Now I am totally confused as are many others out there following the protocol. I need to absorb this and if there are any others out there with an opinion please join in.

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

We are all on the same journey and we have to make our own decisions. I have only had one MRI which was done in 1980 when I was finally diagnosed. I have 14 silver fillings and being someone who used to trust everything doctors say, continued with these fillings.

Apparently because I can't take more vitamin D3 than the 48,000iu I need the PectaClear to clear out any heavy metals that have built up in my system. Dr. Michael Cawley says it is completely safe. Once cleared the Magnesium will accept the D3 better.

Does anyone know what Dr. Coimbra says about the PectaClear?

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by AntonioBR »

Kittie wrote: Does anyone know what Dr. Coimbra says about the PectaClear?

As far as I know, Coimbra never said anything about PectaClear.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by NHE »

Kittie wrote:Now I am totally confused as are many others out there following the protocol. I need to absorb this and if there are any others out there with an opinion please join in.
I apologize if that was too much information. Detox can be a tricky topic as there are many detox protocols that can be followed (some of which, such as DMPS chelation, can cause serious injury). In addition, even though DMSA is FDA approved, it can still cause the loss of important minerals, e.g., zinc, potassium, chromium and copper. http://www.thisisms.com/forum/general-d ... ml#p208772 If you have any questions, please ask. I might be able to help find an answer. I don't know about PectaClear. I'll have to look into that.
Kittie wrote:Apparently because I can't take more vitamin D3 than the 48,000iu I need the PectaClear to clear out any heavy metals that have built up in my system. Dr. Michael Cawley says it is completely safe. Once cleared the Magnesium will accept the D3 better.
Have you tried magnesium glycinate?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

My decision was to carry on and trust Michael Cawley. I have looked at a lot of people who have benefited from this, PectaClear, and gone on to better things. You have to listen to what your body says and I shall be listening. I took one capsules on Thursday, before bed, under Michael's instructions. No real problems next day apart from a little less energy. That could just be the MS. I felt better as the day went on. Today Saturday, I will take one more before bedtime.

Thank you for all the information. I am grateful but there are times when you have to follow your heart, right or wrong. I take Neural Magtein Magnesium 3 capsules a day. Two after breakfast and one after lunch. I also take 1/2 a teaspoon of Ionic Magnesium in the evening.

I had to stop the Nu U Magnesium Citrate but have just received Life Extension Magnesium Citrate that Michael recommended at the beginning. It was noticeable about the previous one. When I stopped taking it 24hrs. later I was completely fine compared to previously feeling sickly most days. No problems since. In fact I was on a good solid footing and everything seemed to be working well. Just received text from Michael to start taking Magnesium Citrate one this morning and one this evening. I am also being sent Super K, Riboflavin and B2.

Onward and upward on this wonderful journey. I am looking forward to 2018. Happy New Year to everyone out there.

Love and Light,
Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Yesterday my MS, particularly my right hand, which had been feeling really good and relaxed and my left good arm. Both felt 'agitated'. On edge. It was particularly noticeable when I took the second Magnesium Citrate after tea, both my hands were very stiff. It got easier as the evening went on.

Last night I took 1 PectaClear before bed. This morning okay when I got up. I have just taken all my pills. I took the magnesium Citrate towards the end of breakfast and not at the end. I wonder if that might make a difference? I feel I need this extra magnesium and will continue with it today. See how it goes.

There are so many people out there getting fantastic results with Michael Cawley including a man I was texting last night. 35 years with MS, 1 year on the protocol with Michael Cawley and 95% of symptoms have disappeared. You just have to find the right equation for you. It can be hard at times, ups and downs, but when you get there and get the results it is fantastic.

I would like to raise a glass to Dr. Coimbra and also Dr. Cawley for all their work and help and wish them both a Happy New Year. Here's to 2018!

Love and light,
Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:42 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I was sickly yesterday evening and again when I got up this morning. I took my pills with breakfast taking the Magnesium Citrate with food again and the Neural Magtein at the end and then the D3. Within the hour I started feeling sickly. Exactly the same as before with the Magnesium Citrate).

I texted Michael Cawley and he told me to stop taking the Magnesium Citrate. Hopefully tomorrow I will feel better and my body more relaxed.

Tonight (Monday) I am taking 1 PectaClear. One more Wednesday and Friday if everything is okay.

Love and Light,
Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Fine this morning after one PectaClear last night, no problems. No sickly feeling.

My blood test results today after 2.30p.m. I will let you know good or bad.

Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Blood tests came back fine. Michael Cawley said everything good. Looking at it caclium levels still fine. Similar to previous test. Everything "normal".

I on the other hand feel rough. PectaClear working. I have to take 1 every three days now instead of one every two days. Left gland below ear swollen and odd pain. Hot last night twice in the night, making me not feel 100%. Gland down this morning.

I have to go to a Birmingham hospital today and will be glad when I get back. An appointment about my tens machine. Not ill enough not to go.

Onward and upward.

Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

I have to correct my last blog as my electronic machine is a FES which I have from the hospital. It makes the muscles lift your limbs and the tens machines don't. This is great for me as it keeps my muscles going and warms my leg and gets the circulation going. And no drugs!! My consultant was really interested in my protocol and took copies of my blood test. She explained a few things to me about them. She took down lots of details and said she would start asking her patients if they were taking any D3. She was going to look into the protocol. I have had more interest from this lady than I ever got from my doctor. The difference being she is well aware and knowledgeable in Nutrician! Also more time to listen.

I felt better yesterday afternoon after my hospital appointment. Today I have taken one Carlson vitamin K2 5mg this morning and one Gall Pharma Vitamin B2 after breakfast. Another vitamin B2 after my main meal. This is added to my normal regime.

Because of my hospital appointment yesterday I forgot to mention, in fact I don't quite believe it myself, my bad right leg lifted all by itself quite effortously. I couldn't believe it and tried again but it wouldn't do it again. It was during the night and I had felt quite hot and tossed the quilt off me. After a while I cooled down and went to pick up the quilt with my good left hand and my right leg lifted to go under the quilt all by itself. I tried again but nothing. I was disappointed that I couldn't do it again but it showed me that it is still in good working order!! A little inkling of what is to come??? Normally I use both hands to lift it up!

Another thing I have noticed is that I can now clap my hands. I used to hold my right hand up and clap with my left as the fingers bent in on my right. I can now hold both my hands together and clap!!

There is a minefield of information and a protocol Doctor is worth his weight in gold! I definately couldn't have done all this without his help.

Onward and Upward,

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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Nothing much to report today but I took my PectaClear last night, one before bedtime.

Today I have started taking a probiotic and prebiotic called PRESCRIPT-ASSIST to replace the good soil based bacteria in the stomach. For many years scientists have known of the existence of a soil based bacteria that produced a myelin destroying toxin. The symptoms caused MS like symptoms in farm animals. This good bacteria can help. Again this is why you need a protocol doctor who is treating this all the time. It is worth a try and eventually by trying these things you end up taking the things that are right for you. We are all different. I wouldn't do this without a protocol doctor.

Love and light,
Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by ElliotB »

just curious, are you following a gluten free diet?
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Re: Dr. Coimbra Protocol

Post by Kittie »

Hi Elliot,

Definately gluten free, dairy free, meat free but fish every day. Lots of salads, vegetables and fruit. 2 1/2 ltrs. of liquid a day, at least half filtered water.

I am feeling well and the PectaClear has settled to one every three days with no problems. I dare say it will go up soon. My K2 I take after my main meal now. Hoping the extra vitamins will settle in and cause no problems. It is just a matter of time and patience now.

I was thinking yesterday that if your car needed repairing, because it wouldn't work properly, you would look at the engine, oil, etc. that made it work. You wouldn't replace the paintwork, wheels, parts, etc. Same with the body, put the good stuff in and you get much better results!

Hope you are well.

Onward and Upward,

Last edited by Kittie on Mon Feb 05, 2018 4:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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